one hundred and six.

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"So, Peyton could die if she has the baby?" Parker asks, looking over at her girlfriend and Brooke nods her head sighing.

"Peyton wants to have the baby and Lucas doesn't," Brooke tells her, "And I want to keep my best friend, but I also want to respect her wishes."

Parker holds her arms out wide, and Brooke snuggles into Parker, resting her head on the photographer's chest, "I think it will work out for Lucas and Peyton. I mean it usually does."

"What if it doesn't?" Brooke asks looking up at Parker.

"It will," Parker answers, "It has to."

Brooke's phone buzzes on the nightstand and Brooke groans as she untangles herself from Parker and reaches over to answer the phone, "Hello?"

Parker assumes it's just a work call until Brooke yells, "She did what! I'm on my way."

"Sam?" Parker asks and Brooke makes a grunting sound, which she assumes is a yes. Brooke yanks the covers off of them before climbing out of bed and heading into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"What'd she do?" Parker asks.

"She stole something!" Brooke yells, "We give her everything! Why would she shoplift!"

"Maybe she's going through her Winona Ryder phase?" Parker suggests and Brooke opens the door to glare at her, toothbrush hanging out of her mouth before slamming the door shut again.

The next time Parker sees Brooke, she's heading over to their closet and aggressively tugging clothes off the hangers.

"Baby," Parker says, "Maybe I should pick Sam up."

"No!" Brooke exclaims, "Because you'll probably go and buy her ice cream while trying to understand her feelings! Sam needs some tough love and I'm the one who is going to give it to her."

Parker nods her head, "You got it."

She watches as Brooke gets dressed and grabs her purse before heading downstairs. Parker sighs and decides that while Brooke is dealing with Sam, she's gonna go play with her cute niece.

She enters her sister's house to find Jesse sitting on the couch watching TV. He looks up at her and nods his head before averting his attention back to the TV screen.

"Hey Jes, nice to see you too," Parker says, throwing her jacket on the arm of the couch before taking a seat.

"ESPN is talking about lottery picks for the upcoming NBA draft," he tells her.

"And are you one?" Parker asks.

"Barely. My agent told me that he's trying to work something out. The Bobcats have the eighth pick, and he thinks they're interested in me since their starting guard got traded to Houston."

"The Bobcats?" Parker asks, "You want to stay here? In North Carolina?"

"Yeah," Jesse tells her, "Tree Hill is just a three-hour drive from Charlotte and our friends and family are here. I don't want to be like dad and miss everything."

"Huh," Parker says thoughtfully, "But the Bobcats suck."

"Maybe I can change that," Jesse tells her, "Plus once Nathan's in the NBA, we're gonna be unstoppable."

Parker laughs, "You're still Nathan's biggest fan."

"He's my role model," Jesse states, "And I was Quentin's, so I have to dominate the NBA for him."

"Hey, you got it, kid," Parker tells him she looks at the TV as they start talking about the Charlotte Bobcats and who they might pick in the upcoming draft.

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