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"Let me help you," Brooke says as she helps Jessica set the table. Brooke looks up at her, "You know you could help us."

"I could," Parker says, "But I love watching the two of you bond so much more."

Brooke shakes her head with a smile. The front door opens, and footsteps could be heard in the foyer, "Hello, anyone home?"

"Is that UCLA's leading scorer, Jesse Taylor?" Parker asks as she jumps down from the counter. Jesse enters the kitchen and Parker runs up hugging her little brother tightly. Jesse towered over her now, hitting one last growth spurt his junior year of high school.

"Hey," Jesse says hugging her, "Hi mom. Hi Brooke."

"Hey Jes," Brooke greets, "You're just in time for dinner."

"What are you doing here?" Jessica asks as she goes over and hugs her son.

"I got a little downtime and thought I'd come to check up on you guys," Jesse told them with a grin, "Also I wanted to see the Raven's last few games."

"You heard about Quentin's wrist?" Parker asked her brother and he nods.

"Yeah, he's been playing really good though. His points have gone down, but his assist has gone up a bunch. He's still averaging a double-double, making him a top tier recruit. UCLA's had their eye on him."

"That's fascinating," Parker says with a nod and Jesse laughs, tugging her and their mother into a hug.

A phone rings and Brooke reaches into her pocket, "It's probably about Angie," she answers the call muttering a quick greeting. A frown instantly comes over Brooke's lips, "I cannot do this right now."

"Definitely not about Angie," Parker mutters.

The front door opens again and the sound of clicking heels can be heard, making their way toward the kitchen, "Hey guys."

"Grace?" Jessica said surprised as she stepped forward to embrace her eldest daughter, "Did you all plan this?"

"No," Parker answers, "But they might have."

"I didn't," Jesse answers instantly.

"I'm pregnant," Grace says quickly.

Brooke hangs up on her mother and looks at Grace, "You're pregnant?"

"With who's baby?" Jesse asks.

The doorbell rings and Parker sighs as she goes to open the front door. Victoria Davis stands there with her hands on her hips and Parker closes the door instantly before returning to the kitchen.

"Uh, Brooke? Your mom is outside."

"What?" Brooke asks as she heads to the door, opening it.

"I went to your house. Then Parker's. Now I'm here," Victoria says inviting herself inside. Jessica joins them in the foyer her arms crossed over her chest, "Ah Jessica, lovely house you have here."

"Thank you, Victoria. Why are you in it?"

Victoria laughs, "Because my daughter has been avoiding me."

"I'm not your daughter. I fired you from my company and I fired you from being my mom," Brooke says instantly.

"This is what I'm talking about. You're such a child and a fairly stupid one at that."

"Don't talk to her like that," Parker says, and Victoria rolls her eyes.

"I'll talk to her however I want to," Victoria tells her before focusing back on Brooke, "Now listen-"

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