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"So, I ran into Rachel while I was in Europe," Jessica says as she hands her daughter a mug of coffee. Parker takes the coffee and looks at her mother strangely.

"You ran into Rachel?" Parker asks because Europe is a pretty big continent. There was no way that her mother just happened to run into Rachel.

"Fine, she called and we had lunch together," Jessica tells her, "She's doing good."

"I don't care," Parker says as she takes a sip of the hot coffee, instantly burning her tongue. She places the coffee on the counter as she looks at her mom, "Okay maybe I care a little bit."

"She asked about you," Jessica tells her, "I told her that you were good. I left out the part where you and Brooke had gotten back together and were raising a baby. Though she probably figured out that you and Brooke are back together."

"Why'd you go to lunch with her?" Parker asks her mother. There was no reason for Jessica to see Rachel, especially since they had broken up.

"She wanted to talk. You know Rachel's relationship with her parents isn't the best."

"Well she lost rights to my mother when she left," Parker says as she glances at the mug of coffee. She wondered if she could drink it now without burning her tongue.

"That's not fair," Jessica says, "You've moved on. You can't still be mad at Rachel."

"Yes, I can," Parker retorts, "She left me, mom. We had one simple conversation and then she was gone. No calls, no texts, nothing."

"It was for the best Parker," Jessica tells her, her mother reaches a hand across the counter, placing it on top of her own, "Be honest, would you have broken up with Rachel If she hadn't left?"

"I wouldn't stay in a relationship if I were unhappy," Parker mutters.

"You clearly were still in love with Brooke," her mother says.

Parker frowns, "Okay I probably would have stayed with Rachel for the sake of staying with her. That what you wanted to hear?"

"Yes," Jessica says, "Remember that Rachel was your friend before she was your girlfriend."

"I mean technically she was my girlfriend and then my friend and then my girlfriend again-"

"Parker," her mother interrupts and she sighs.

"Fine, I will consider reaching out to Rachel amicably," Parker says forcing a smile as she looks at her mother, "Happy?"

"Yes," Jessica stands and places a kiss on Parker's forehead, "So Grace has a new boyfriend and he's a lawyer."

Parker scoffs, "I'm dating a fashion designer. Grace cannot compare."

Jessica chuckles softly and Parker's phone buzzes on the counter. She looks at the caller ID to see that Peyton was calling.

"Hey," Parker says as she answers the phone.

"So, don't panic, but Angie's been called in for surgery," Peyton tells her.

"Right now?" Parker asks.

"Yeah, and Brooke is really worried, and she wanted me to call you, so how fast can you get here?"

"I'm on my way," Parker says as she stands up from the counter. She hangs up the phone and looks at her mother, "Angie's surgery is today, and Brooke needs me."

"Then you'd better go," Jessica says, "Call me and keep me updated."

"I will," Parker says as she grabs her keys and rushes out of the house. She speeds to the hospital, rushing to the floor where they had Angie's doctor's appointment. She finds Brooke sitting in the waiting room.

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