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"Parker if you wanted to get back together, you could have just said so," Rachel says as she saunters into her now shared room with Brooke. Parker rolls her eyes at the comment but smiles at her ex.

"This isn't for you, it's for Brooke," Parker says hesitantly, glancing away from Rachel. Their relationship was still a touchy subject for Rachel, so Parker tried not to spend a lot of time there to avoid flaunting it in front of her, "It's her birthday."

Rachel lets out a surprised gasp, "It's Brooke's birthday?" Rachel chuckles, "That's not even information that I should know, so I'm not gonna pretend to be surprised."

Parker shakes her head as she smiles at her, "So um are you doing okay?"

"Let's not do this," Rachel motions between them, "Make small talk about the accident. We drove off the bridge, we lived. I want to know how you're over here. Brooke told me your mom banned you from seeing me."

"I told her I was meeting Brooke somewhere for her birthday," Parker says, "Which isn't a lie."

Rachel laughs, "I guess not."

Brooke walks into the bedroom moments later and Parker smiles at her, "Happy Birthday!"

"You remembered?" Brooke asks slightly surprised and Parker frowns.

"Of course, I remembered," Parker quickly glances over at Rachel, "Nothing from Peyton and Lucas?"

"You mean my enemies? No," Brooke says.

Parker shakes her head, "They're not your enemies. They just disappointed you a lot and now you're going through a rough patch."

"Peyton betrayed my trust. Again. Lucas betrayed my trust. Again," Brooke tells her, "It's simple. They're not my friends and what's the opposite of friends? Oh, that's right, enemies."

"Okay," Parker says, "How about we forget all of that and we just spend your birthday the way you want to spend it, I mean you only turn eighteen once, right?"

"I want in!" Rachel says a little too excited, "I mean I'll spend your birthday with you Brooke."

"Right," Brooke says, glancing at Rachel with a small smile, "Um well what do you guys usually do for your birthdays?"

"Get drunk, have sex."

"Sit at home and watch movies."

Parker and Rachel answer the question at the same time and look at each other, eyebrows raised.

"You know, you are such a prude," Rachel says shaking her head.

"I don't think you can call me a prude, especially since-"

"Okay!" Brooke asserts, "I really don't want to hear about your sex life."

"I was gonna talk about the time we went skinny dipping," Parker says she then tilts her head, "Actually you probably don't want to hear about that either."

"Still a prude," Rachel tells her, before looking over at Brooke, "What do you usually do on your birthday? You know before you met me and Parker."

"Well," Brooke begins as she messes with the flowers Parker got her, "She Who Shall Not Be Named and I went shoplifting."

Rachel snorted, "Of course you did and what is this, Harry Potter? Peyton isn't Voldemort."

Parker smiles at the reference, "You've read the books?"

Rachel scoffs, "No I'm not a nerd like you. I watched the movie."

Brooke rolls her eyes as she looks at them, "Okay can we focus back on me? I feel like you two are seconds away from abandoning me and going off to hang with each other."

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