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"Parker," she heard Grace says as she entered her room, "Have you heard the news?"

"What?" Parker asked, hoping that Grace actually had something to tell her, her sister never had interesting gossip.

"Lucas," Grace said, "He was in a car accident."

Parker sat up on her bed, her hair falling to frame her face, "What?"

"Haley called, he was in a car accident," Grace told her, "She also said something about Lucas being right and she just really needs you right now."

Parker couldn't believe what she was hearing and nodded her head, "Yeah okay, I'm going to go over Haley's. Can you tell mom where I'm going?"

"Yeah," Grace told her, wrapping Parker in an embrace, "Do you need me to drive you?"

Parker shook her head as she pulled away from her sister's embrace, "I'll be fine."

Parker felt anything but fine. She felt this heavy weight of guilt in her stomach. Haley said Lucas was going to be fine, but what if he wasn't? Their last conversation had gone terrible and Parker was unsure how she was going to face him.

"Hey Hales," Parker said as she threw herself on Haley's bed. Her best friend smiled at her, but it didn't meet her eyes, Haley looked as guilty as Parker felt and she wondered if it was wearing on her face like it was for Haley.

"Lucas was right. Nathan was only dating me to get back at him," Haley said as she looked over at Parker, "And now Lucas is in the hospital. I feel terrible."

Parker rested a comforting hand on Haley's shoulder, "Look, Nathan may have had bad intentions, but he cares about you. I can see it."

"Doesn't matter," Haley muttered, "Lucas was right."

"We should go see him," Parker says, "Just make sure he's okay."

"I can't," Haley muttered, looking up at Parker. She could see the guilt in her best friend's eyes and knew better than to try and force Haley to go.

Both of them are surprised when there's a knock on the door and Peyton is standing in the threshold of Haley's room. Parker was unsure of how to take Peyton's arrival, she was furious that she'd betray Brooke, but she also knew that Peyton would never do anything to intentionally hurt her best friend.

"I thought you two would be at the hospital," Peyton said as she looked at them.

"Why aren't you there?" Haley asked from beside her.

"I dropped Brooke off. It's just," Peyton trails off.

"And she doesn't know about you and Lucas," Parker says, the words coming out bitchier than she had planned. She usually left the snark to Haley, but she and Brooke had gotten close and Parker didn't think she deserved to be hurt.

"We were gonna tell her tonight," Peyton said, and Parker couldn't help but scoff, "Why aren't you two there?"

"If you don't mind, we'd like to be alone right now," Haley told her calmly. Peyton nodded and took the hint.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Lucas's mom would like to see you. Both of you," Peyton said before leaving Haley's room. Parker looked over at Haley and tugged her into her arms, holding her best friend as she began to cry.

The next day, Parker stays by Haley's side, even spending the entire day at the café with Haley as she works.

"Okay seriously what's going on with you two?" Peyton asked as she entered Karen's Café. Parker glanced over her shoulder and rolled her eyes as she finished off her coffee. She stood from her seat and was going to escape, but Peyton blocked her path, "Why haven't you two gone to see Lucas?"

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