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Parker's worst nightmare had become a reality as she stood there watching Nathan's time capsule video. All the videos had been leaked and were playing on computer screen and televisions throughout the school.

Her heart was practically drumming in her chest as she stared at the screen, unable to move. She felt a hand on her shoulder and Parker looked over at Rachel with wide eyes. The other girl immediately became concerned and leaned closer to Parker.

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked.

"I can't be here," Parker told her, "I'm about to out myself to the entire school."

"What?" Rachel asked. Parker pointed up to the television screen just as Brooke's video started playing and suddenly Parker was frozen to the spot. She could remember how she and Brooke had joked about what they had said about each other in their time capsule videos and Parker didn't have to wait fifty years to hear it.

"In fifty years, I'll probably be married to Parker Taylor or Marvin McFadden, but you guys probably know them as Senator McFadden and New York Times reporter Parker Taylor. It's weird because before Parker I didn't think there was such thing as true love. That there was someone out there who could know you, really know you, and still love you. Every girl wants to meet that perfect guy that sweeps them off their feet and if they say otherwise, then they're a liar. I thought Lucas Scott was my perfect guy, but I was wrong."

"I always thought Parker was a little weird when we were younger because she'd take her camera with her everywhere and let's be honest there are not that many interesting things in the world to take pictures of. However, I've come to learn that Parker takes pictures to appreciate the beauty of things, to capture a moment and live in it forever."

"I wish I could take a picture of this time right now and live in it forever. There's a chance that Parker and I may not end up together, but I will do everything in my power to make sure she stays by my side because I've never felt this way before and I know that there's no one in the world that can make me feel even the fraction of the way Parker does, I mean she makes me laugh and she's so cute when she scrunches her nose and I love the way she looks in a cheer uniform."

Brooke on the screenpauses, "In fact I should convince her to join the cheer squad next year!"

Parker listens as Brooke laughs to herself, "Anyway the chances of finding your true love in high school are slim but I think I've found the one that I will compare the rest of my loves to. So be nice to that weird kid in middle school because they might get super hot junior year and turn out to be your first love."

Brooke had been in love with her.

Brooke said she was her first love.

"Now enough of that. Since I'm like seventy or something, there should probably be documentation of my body in its prime, so here we go," Brooke said taking her shirt off.

Parker's brain was going a mile a minute that she didn't even pay attention as the power went off just as Brooke took her top off. Parker glanced down the hallway to see Brooke standing there, her eyes on Parker.

On the other side of the hallway, Lucas stood there a blank expression on his face. Parker couldn't even imagine what he was thinking. It was a secret that they had worked so hard to keep from him and there it was, out for everyone to hear.

"My name is Parker Taylor, I'm seventeen and a junior at Tree Hill."

The universe apparently hated Parker because they decided to put her tape right after Brooke's.

"I learned a lot of things about myself this year, but the most important thing I learned was that I'm bisexual. At first, I was terrified and felt like it was something to be ashamed of, because who wants to be different? High school is already hard enough but add something like being gay or bi and you are screwed."

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