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Parker sat in the back seat with Haley as they drove to New York City for Brooke's Rogue Vogue contest. Parker's invite wasn't because she and Brooke were close friends, in fact, Parker was certain Brooke was mad at her after discovering about her and Rachel. Instead, Brooke wanted someone to take pictures of the models in her designs so she was able to tag along.

"Slug bug!" Haley exclaimed as she punched Parker in the shoulder.

"Ow Haley, lay off the weight room," Parker said as she rubbed her shoulder. From the front seat, Brooke and Peyton's loud laughter could be heard.

"Let's play the Radio game!" Brooke exclaimed as she began changing the station.

"Uh, what's that?" Parker asks.

Peyton turned around, "You ask the radio a question and whatever the song lyrics are answers that question."

"Great," Parker says, "Like a magic eight ball."

"No sarcasm!" Brooke yelled, looking at Parker in the rearview mirror, "Now, oh wise radio, what is Lucas thinking about right now?"

Torn Between Two Lovers plays through the speakers and Parker has to place her hand over her mouth to silence her laughter. It was just too ironic for that song t play on the radio accompanied by Brooke's question. Haley catches sight of this and elbows, Parker, in the stomach causing her to groan.

"Okay, new game," Brooke says turning off the radio.

"Hey look!" Haley exclaims as she points out the window, the skyscrapers of New York coming into sight, "It's just like the movies!"

"Peyton, we need music, plug in the iPod," Brooke tells her.

Peyton does so proudly, "Cue the soundtrack!"

They check into the hotel before heading over to the Rogue Vogue headquarters. The four of them glance around in awe as models practice walking the runway. They approach a woman with a clipboard and Brooke introduces herself.

"Hi, my name is Brooke Davis and I just wanted to check on my time. I have a little bit of a schedule crunch cause we're trying to hop a flight tonight back to North Carolina for a cheerleading competition tomorrow. My three best friends drove down with me and I'm in love with them for it, but we wanted to fly-"

"You know the schedule has changed," the woman interrupted Brooke, "Your clothes show tomorrow."

Their eyes all fell on Brooke who looked distressed, "Guys what am I going to do? Can someone get me a radio?"

"Relax," Peyton told her, "You have never worked this hard on anything before, well except for your fake ID. You need to enjoy it."

"You're right," Brooke said, "You guys go on without me. It's my big shot."

Haley and Peyton hug Brooke before heading toward the entrance. Parker grins as she takes a seat beside Brooke who looks at her questionably.

"Okay if I didn't want them to stay, what makes you think I want you here?"

"Ouch," Parker says, "But I promised to take pictures of your clothes and I plan on keeping that promise."

"Don't you want to get back to Rachel?" Brooke asks, spitting out Rachel's name with disdain.

"Not when you need me," Parker says with a smile, "Besides you need someone to accompany you back to Charlotte."

Brooke watches her for a good moment before nodding her head, "Alright fine."

Parker and Brooke make laps around the venue before they finally settle on asking someone if they knew who Brooke's model was.

"Hi, I'm your model!" A girl says eagerly, "Solaris!"

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