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"She doesn't cry when I hold her, but now she won't smile at me!" Brooke complains and Parker sighs from where she's laying on the couch. 

"I bet you expect her to say your name too."

"That wouldn't be so bad," Brooke says as she kneels before Angie, "Say, Brooke! Come on Angie say, Brooke!"

The baby babbles, but nothing resembling Brooke's name or even a word comes out.

"Fascinating," Parker says, though her tone says the opposite. Brooke looks over at her then makes her way across the room as she sits on Parker's stomach, causing her to groan in pain.

"You were saying?" Brooke says with a sly smile and Parker tries to sit up but can't due to Brooke sitting on her.

"You're the worst," Parker says which only causes Brooke to laugh as she stands up.

"So you're coming to her doctor's appointment tonight, right?" Brooke asks and Parker sits up on the couch as she nods her head.

"Of course," Parker answers, as she looks at the baby, "And then tomorrow Angie and I are going to her first concert!"

"Concert?" Brooke asks.

"Yeah, the acoustic lullabies of Haley James Scott," Parker jokes, earning a smile from Brooke. The fashion designer rolls her eyes, and Parker giggles as she grabs Brooke's wrist and tugs her toward her, causing her to fall in her lap.

"You're such a loser," Brooke says before leaning in to kiss Parker, "But that's what I love about you." Parker smiles and leans in to kiss Brooke again when the doorbell rings. Brooke sighs from on top her, "It's open!"

Lucas walks in and stops as he looks at the two of them, "I think I saw this in a dream once."

"Hi Lucas," Parker says her voice lacking any excitement at the sight of her best friend. Brooke laughs at the greeting before climbing off of Parker's lap and going over to hug Lucas.

"What are you doing here?" Brooke asks him and Lucas's eyes drift over to Angie.

"I remember you telling me about Angie's appointment, and I wanted you guys to know that if you need moral support, I'm here."

"That's sweet, but her appointment isn't until 7 pm," Parker says from the couch and Lucas flushes with embarrassment.

"Right," he says.

"But it's the thought that counts," Brooke says as she pokes Lucas in the shoulder, "We'd be happy to have you come along with us."

"You can carry everything," Parker tells him, and Lucas laughs sarcastically at her before going over and sitting on top of Parker.

She frowns as she looks at him, "What is this? Sit on Parker day?"

Lucas throws his arms around Parker's neck with his lips puckered, "Come on Parker, give me a kiss."

"No!" Parker says with a laugh as she leans away from Lucas, "Brooke help me!"

Brooke doesn't move to help her, instead, she laughs at the two of them, just as Peyton's bedroom door swings open and the blonde walks out looking as though she just woke up.

"Oh, God that was, like, the best night's sleep ever!" Peyton says but her pace slows as she notices Lucas and Parker on the couch.


"Peyton?" Lucas says as he stands, "Uh what's up?"

"Nothing much," Peyton says as she tugs at the bottom of her t-shirt, "What are you doing here?"

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