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A phone started ringing in the middle of the night and Peyton groaned as she rolled over, her arm smacking Parker in the face. Parker ducked her head under her pillow, "Brooke turn off your phone."

"It's not mine," Brooke grumbles as she sits up and reaches over to the bedside table, "It's yours."

Parker groans as she answers the phone, "This better be important."

"My mom fainted, and I don't know - can you get down to the hospital?" Lucas's voice asks her, and Parker is suddenly much more awake than she was before.

"Yeah, of course," Parker says, "Is the baby okay?"

This gets both Brooke and Peyton's attention. Peyton opens one eye as she looks at Parker while Brooke turns on the lamp, illuminating the rest of the room.

"I'm not sure yet. They're still looking at her."

"I'll be right there," Parker says before hanging up the phone. Brooke and Peyton are both looking at her and Parker sighs, "It's Karen."

"Is she alright?" Peyton asked sitting up.

"Lucas says it's not looking good. You guys want to come with me?" Parker asks and the two of them nod. They get out of bed and change before rushing over to the hospital where they find Haley and Nathan in the waiting room.

"Where's Lucas?" Peyton asks and Nathan nods toward a room that Parker assumes is Karen's. Peyton heads in there and Parker turns to Haley and Nathan.

"How is he?"

"Okay, I guess," Haley says, "I don't know. I feel like he's acting really weird."

Deb steps out of the elevator with a bag and notices Parker and Brooke, "Hey there girls."

"Hey," Parker greets back.

"I'm just gonna go drop this off in Karen's room," Deb says, "Are you guys alright?"

"We're fine mom," Nathan says and Deb nods, taking that as a hint that her son wants her gone. Deb goes into the room and seconds later, Peyton comes out, closing the door behind her.

"I'm gonna get some coffee," she says.

"I'll come with you," Brooke tells her. She presses a kiss to Parker's cheek before following her friend down the hall. Parker sighs as she takes a seat in the chair beside Haley.

"Happy graduation eve," Parker mutters, "This is what? Our tenth time in a hospital this year?"

"Let see," Haley says holding up her hand, "Parker, Parker, Lucas, Me, Nathan, Peyton, Karen, Rachel. This is our eighth hospital visit, so good guess."

"If we include junior year that makes eleven," Nathan says, "I went twice and then there was Lucas's car accident."

"Love this town," Parker mutters.

Peyton and Brooke come back and Brooke hands her a cup of coffee, which she takes before taking a seat in Parker's lap. They received a few weird stares, but they didn't really mind it as they continued to talk amongst themselves.

Lucas and Deb leave the room and Peyton stands as she rushes over to hug her boyfriend.

"Any changes?" Haley asks her and Deb shakes her head, "I wish there was something we could do."

"There is," Deb says looking at all of them, "You can go home and enjoy your last day of high school like regular teenagers."

"I'm not leaving my mom," Lucas says firmly.

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