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3 months later


It's now Halloween. How time flies, I've been engaged to Harry for three months now. Things are all going great, yet I feel like I need answers to some questions I don't really know. I mean I pretty much shared my life with him as well as the girls and Liam...God Liam I thought he was a real friend. He was there for me for things for five long, hard years, then, just like a switch he can shut down. I just don't get where or what I could have done differently. Then after months he wanted to talk again. Why? Because he's with Mel now. Is it all a trick to try and take our kids? Think again, both of you, it's never going to happen.

As for Harry, does he have family? Will our children have any legitimate aunts or uncles? What about grandparents? I just wish I knew something about him. In a logical sense, he's still a stranger. One I slept with, had a baby with, moved him into my place and agreed to marry. What in the world have I been doing and/or thinking? Has he got me under some kind of spell? I need to talk to him sooner than later.

On another note, we have found out that JoJo has recently gotten married to Brian through the prison. Why? I'm guessing so they can get conjugal visits.

Brenda and Louis are pretty much close to living together, but not. You can tell he loves her, and she never stopped loving him.

The twins are now ten months and pulling themselves up on furniture. Troy is now 6 months and scooting around. Needless to say the three of them are keeping us very busy these days. So when they nap it's a good time to talk or take a nap for Harry and I. Today I'm going for the prior. I need some info to fill my mind.

Here goes.....

"Harry, babe can we talk?"

"Uh, sure is something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing like that. I just been thinking and realized I don't really know anything about the man that asked me to marry him"

He rubs the back of his neck "ok, what would you like to know?" He looks at me "You know I love you more than anything"

"Ok, but I don't know if you have lived around here long, where you lived before you came here or why you did? I don't know if you have any siblings. Are your parents around? Please Harry, tell me something, anything"

He reached over to hold me as I was getting a bit emotional now. "Baby, calm down, I'll tell you all of this, please don't get upset" he kissed my forehead.


I could tell Nevaeh had been thinking on something lately, but I didn't know of what. Then once the kids were all out for naps, I found out.

I hear her hesitantly say "Harry, babe can we talk?"

She never really asks like this, so I'm not sure of what's up so I reply "uh, sure is something wrong?"

She said "no, nothing like that, she'd just been thinking and realized she didn't really know anything about me" Which I guess in a way she was right.

So I'm more than willing to tell her anything she wants or needs to know. Afterall she's given me a son, she accepted my proposal to be my wife. It's the least I can do right.

"Ok, so first of all I for the most part lived in Chicago. I met Louis as you know he was going on vacay to Florida for a week, I went with him, he met another friend there. We came back for some reason via Detroit Metro his friend came back with us, but once we returned he was hit by a car. So ended up at the hospital, strangely enough locally here. Louis met Brenda there, so ergo we ended up staying here. His other friend went back to Florida and he's never been in contact again.

I don't have any siblings. So as you may have guessed Lou was like a brother to me. Sadly, my dad left when I was just about five, so it was just me and my mom. Roughly, about the time I met Louis mom had a severe heart attack and didn't make it, so Louis' mom let me stay with them. So you can see why we were so close. So to answer it all, sorry baby, but I guess our children only have non blood aunts and uncles and really no grandparents. I guess we just have to pick who we want for their family"

Nevaeh suddenly sat on my lap, reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck "Harry, I love you so much, and I'm glad you ended up here"

"Me too baby, me too"

"Harry, I need to run something else by you"

"Ok, lay it on me"

"You know how we have three very busy angels right now, that we love very much. I was thinking maybe, just for precautionary sake, going in and getting an IUD placed so we don't end up with another on the way sooner than we want, not that I wont give you more, if you want"

While standing with her in my arms and spinning her around, I say, "you know, you make me love you more and more every day, you know that. That is fine if it wont hurt our chances, but I will never, ever force you to do anything, you know that right? I'd love more children with you baby, but I'd never force you to"

"I know that Harry, and we can ask the doctor on the risks ahead of time"

"Sounds good"

I hope she feels better now that she knows how I got here specifically, and about my non family. I do miss my mom but it just hurts to talk about, I wish I was as strong as my girl. I can only hope our kids get her strength and kindness.


What do you think of Harry and Nevaeh's little talk?

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