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About six months later

It's once again the time of year to celebrate the kids birthdays. This time however, we're having a combined party for the twins as well as Briana as well as adding Troy's in there a bit earlier this year.

So all in all we're having a family and friends get together for the kids birthdays to celebrate the 4 of their birthdays.

We invited Louis and William to join us.

Liam and Tina as well as Tom and Dana.

Of course JoJo and Brian would be over with Benjamin as well.

We planned on having movies for the kids in the cinema room. As well as cake and ice cream. We also have some games for them.

Adults will have time for talking about adult things while they have their fun. It's all good right.

Liam and Tina have gotten really close. I won't be surprised at all if they're announcing soon that they to will be expecting or getting engaged.

Tom and Dana have recently taken the plunge and gotten engaged as well as being partners with Louis to lessen the stress on him but it's definitely a great move job interest wise for Dana.

Things are going well for all involved on that front.

Louis we found out has sold the place he was once happy in with Brenda. He's now told us that he's going to be filing for what's called abandonment divorce. That way he can move on once he's ready without ties holding him back.

He says he has been wondering lately if she ever really cared at all. Although he's gotta stop doing that and just do what he feels is best for him and William, and thinking about her is definitely not it.

I said "no she's not, but you're going to find someone special that will be there for you and love you both with everything in her and love William as her own. I promise you, and she'll come along when you least expect her to"

The kids played hard. Laughed harder with their movies. But now it was very quiet. As we looked in on them they were all cuddling with one another asleep on the floor. I couldn't help taking a few pictures of them. Covered them gently with a blanket and let them sleep.

The rest of us adults talked a bit more. Liam and Tina soon left as did Tom and Dana. Thanking us for the opportunity to spend more time with the kids.

JoJo, Brian and Louis however stayed over which was completely fine.

We all soon went to bed as well knowing that soon enough all the little ones would be up and about.

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