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Saturday (day 2)


I can't stand the thought of even stepping into a closed area with that snake. All I can think is that Nevaeh asked about naming the baby after her last name or mine. That's definitely a positive I've got to keep good thoughts, it will all be ok and we will make it together. We have to. She's the only one I want and love. Come on Harry you can do this.


"I'm here Harry"

"Thank God, because I'm missing the shit out of Nevaeh. I know she told me she most likely wouldn't listen much if at all, but I wish I could hear her say I wasn't doing this for nothing, ya know? I'm so in love with her it hurts when I'm away from her"

"Harry listen, this between you is all new to her. I think she's kinda afraid of losing you and to be honest, I think it'd destroy her. If you even think about it I'll destroy you"

"Oh God, I would never do that to her. Is there a way you can get her on speaker phone so I can talk to her a moment before starting this day?"

"I can do you one better, she just stopped in"

"Thank you"

"Nevaeh, baby I miss you so much I hate this being apart. How are you feeling today?"

"About the same Harry. I hate it too, but it was the best way, you know that"

"I do, but please tell me we are going to be good, I'm not just doing this and going to end up losing you at the end, I couldn't take that"

"You won't Harry, unless it's your choice. I love you. Oh and Bren came by with a message, and I'm going in on Monday so stop worrying about that, I'm sure it's nothing ok"

"Ok, just want to be sure with my greatest gift this far ya know. I love you more than you even know baby"

"Ok I'll let you go do your thing so you can get back to me quicker then, love you"

Just like that she was gone, but it gave me hope to get through the day. So here goes nothing I guess.

I reached the place Alexa was staying which seemed strange since she came from out of town yet she wasn't at a hotel. It made me nervous, who lived here?

When I arrived Alexa invited me in with a smile. I still don't trust her.

We sat on a couch. She said "so Harry, you look a bit drained, is there anything I can do to help at all?"

"Uh, no, nothing you can do Alexa. It's going to have to come from me within and time I think"

"Ok, so you wanted to just talk a bit then?"

"Yeah, if that's ok with you"

"Yeah, talking, answering questions whatever you want if it's easier to be friends"

"Ok well, Alexa when you sent me messages, you said something about my good friend and being, sorry how'd you put it you didn't know why I would be with someone like Nevaeh, but she didn't know yet" I looked at her "what does that mean?"

"Oh Harry" she shakes her head "I could be so much better for you than her, but that's another story" she clears her throat " you are close friends with Louis Tomlinson are you not?"

"Yes, have been for a while but what's that got to do with you or Nevaeh? I don't get it, you all have different names and different parents, right?"

"Good question Harry" Liam says

"So it would appear, yes, but is it so?" She fiddles with her hands "You see Harry I found out when I was graduating that I was adopted my whole life. Mind you the parents I had were good, no complaints. They just didn't tell me before in fear I'd try to run away or something, but at the time they told me I could do as I pleased, so if I chose to find them I could do so"

"So did you, I mean look for them?"

"You know the weird thing is, my parents had their names and an older pic so if I wanted to see what they looked like"

"Do you have that? I mean do you look like them at all?"

"Well, I wasn't sure at the time, my dad was listed as Dan Timms and my mother as a JoAnn Tomlinson. So when us girls had our break I did my ouw research. I think in looks I could fit"

She looked at me "Since you're good friends with Louis, I'd think you've seen his mom, yes? Do I favor her at all?"

"Oh, it's been a while, I'm not really good at those kind of things, besides I didnt really look at her like anything but in a mom kinda way, sorry Alexa"

"I never got to meet her, sadly"

"What about Dan, have you met him?"

"I have, he sent for me when I was in Florida. I was naturally curious, so I met him. He had said they gave me up because both him and JoAnn had families already and not together. He knew her from school it happened one time, but shouldn't have, but didn't believe in abortion so here I am"

"Interesting enough I guess. I mean it explains how they would've known each other"

"So, then he told me though he lost his wife in an accident. He felt horrible over the loss but couldn't come back, so now lives in London for the rest of his days. It was both sad and upsetting, but at least I've met him"

"I see, well that's a lot in a day. I think I'd best get going. Let you have a break and I'll get back with you. I'll call you ok? Is maybe tuesday good?"

"Sounds good Harry, take care. I didnt mean to overload you"

"Ots ok, I've just had a lot on my mind, the break up and all, I'm just still a bit drained but ill get there"

"Ok talk to ya soon Harry"

As I'm leaving I decided to ask Loam.

"Did you get all that Liam?"

"Umm, it's me and yes I did"

"Oh hi baby, thought you were gone. Did I do good today? Was that a help?"

"Very much so, more than I could've hoped for actually. Do you know how fucking amazing you are?"

"No more than you, but I wish I could show you right now"

"Well work something out ok?"

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