3. Meet Alexa

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Alexa Jane Mattews is my full name. I'm a twenty five year old, with straight dark brown hair, and green eyes.

I've only spoken to Brenda since we've all went our break.

Me well, I've went to Cali for a bit but that didn't exactly work out, it's not all it's cracked up to be as they say, or maybe just not for me. So I then went to the other coast LOL as in Florida had a bit of fun, but that's all it was. Although it wasn't all fun, but that's another thing that's better left forgotten, but easier said than done when it's in my nightmares. I'm sure that'll all come out later.

Which brings me to more recent times, I sure hope this reunion with the girls is better and they can help cheer me of better days. I'm hearing that Veah has some good news, I guess time will tell how it will all play out.

So I guess this is a bit about me. My friends call me Alex or Al




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