Soldier x Reader

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You were snuggling up together in the camp. He was a happy chonky boi. You nuzzled him and smiled. "Arent we happy?" He chuckled. "Well of course! Because I've got my cute chonky boi!" You said with a smile. He pulled you close and you gushed.

The two of you were hiding out in the dining hall. "So why arent you training today? Or are you skipping?" You asked curiously. "You came all the way to visit me! So fuck training!" He exclaimed as he pulled you close. "My big snuggly chonky honky." You cooed as you felt him kiss you softly on the head. He was an absolute sweetheart in your eyes.

You purred and nuzzled onto his chest. He was extremely happy that you were with him. And it showed. "My cutie, y/n." He cooed as you kissed him softly. "Well YOU are my big chonky honky!" You cooed at him. You both embraced together and smiled. You didn't need joy when you were each other's light.

(170 words. Written in less then 4 mins xD i just got bored and didn't wanna drag it out. Thicc_Boi_Soldiers)

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