Verloc x Reader

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(I need to download more pictures since I always use this xD)

Verloc was pouting as you nuzzled him. He was finishing up work. You were very affectionate. Which made him happy as fuck. Though he didn't really understand how love worked. But you were dating. He was writing something down and you played with his hair poof. He looked up at you. "Oh fine." He put his work down and pulled you into his lap. Then held you tight. He did this before you could react. You smiled at him and squealed. He kissed you and smiled. "Your mine." He said protectively.

You pulled him up and turned on the radio. "Well then. Lets have some fun shall we?" You said cheerily. He took a second then smiled. You both began to dance together. Hands fully entwined. It was a slow dance but a bit more upbeat. You kissed him passionately and he smiled. "Oh y/n. I love you. I don't know what i could do without you." He hugged you tight. "Oh Anton. You big sweetheart!" You said whole hugging back. You knew he got stressed easily. So youd always work hard to cheer him up and show him love. He was quiet about you and occasionally very cold. But you both were madly in love. "Your such a cutie." You reached up snd played with his hair floof more while giggling. Y/n....come on...I'm not cute! I'm obviously sexy!" He said as he posed. This caused you to burst into giggles and him pouting. You kissed him and spoke. "I love you. You wonderful man."

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