Cuddly Soldier x Reader

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You were crying as you hid away from the soldiers. You were beat up by plough bois while on a walk in the garden district. You didn't want anyone to see you hurt. "Y/n?" A familiar voice said in a soft tone. "G-go away!" You cried out as tears fell down your cheeks. "What happened to you?" He approached you and gasped when he saw you were hurt. "Who did this...." He said in an upset tone. "N-nobody!!" You lied and tried to run off.

The man hugged you close to him. "I need to know, y/n. I want to keep you safe from harm." He said in a serious tone. "It was the plough boys..." You mumbled and sniffled. "I'll make sure they get taken care of. As for right now, I need to make sure you are ok." He picked you up bridal style and carried you into the medical bay.

There was nobody there but he laid you down on one of the beds. You blushed and looked away. "Are you feeling sick?" He said as he touched your cheek gently with his hand. "N-no....really im fine!" You lied. He sighed and got into bed with you, pulling you ontop of him. You blushed and looked at him. "If you wont tell me, I'll cuddle you until then." He said as he kissed you softly. You nuzzled him and whimpered. You reached down and touched his thick hips. He smiled kindly at you and gave you a soft kiss on the nose.

"Im sorry i didn't do more to defend myself..." You whimpered out. "Hush, Im proud that you werent physical. But I'm very upset that you got hurt like that." He said as he held you close to him. "I really dont like seeing anyone hurt. Especially you, y/n." He said in a soft tone as he rubbed your back in comfort. "Why me?" You asked with a blush. "Because you are special to me. Because I love and care about you, y/n." He said as he softly kissed you on the lips. You squeezed his chonky hips a bit. "S-sorry if that bugs you..." You said sheepishly. "Not at all, you have my consent." He smiled and pulled a fluffy blanket over the two of you. Yoy nuzzled into his chest and yawned. "I love you." You said before drifting off to sleep. "And I love you even more, y/n. Sweet dreams." He said softly as you snuggled into him.

(425 words. Wooooo. Thicc_Boi_Soldiers)

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