Chapter 157

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"Good morning, Madam," Juice joked as he walked into the kitchen for breakfast. They had been talking, on and off, for the last three days on whether or not Shawn should be working at the new Diosa. Juice was all for it. It kept her close to the club and under their protection while at work.

Shawn wasn't sold on the idea, but was willing to try it out, at least for a little while. "Technically I wouldn't be a madam because I was never a hooker."

"You have to be a hooker first to be a madam?" Juice laughed.

"According to Google," Shawn shrugged.

"Former porn producer isn't good enough, huh?"

"Not sure. There really isn't exactly a Google page to answer that question."

Shawn handed him a plate with an omelets on it and he dug in. "You make the best damn eggs."

"I know," Shawn said proudly. "When I lived with Gemma for awhile she was pissed that the girl who didn't eat made better omelets than her."

"That sounds like Gemma," Juice said. "Hey, have you seen my camera? I don't think I've seen since I moved in here."

"Try the closet in the extra bedroom." After he finished eating, Juice went upstairs to check for his camera. He came back down and set the camera bag on the kitchen island. "Told you so."

Juice smirked and took the camera out of the bag. He was messing around with it when he looked up at Shawn. "You know, we never really did anything with this."

"Pretty sure you don't have enough time to make a sex tape this morning."

"I always have time for a sex tape."

"We are not making a sex tape while I'm pregnant," Shawn laughed. "It'll look like you're banging a whale. Speaking of which, I have to go buy maternity clothes today. Otherwise the only thing that's going to fit me soon will be your clothes."

"Fine," Juice said, sounding defeated, and packed the camera back into his bag. "Make sure you lock up, okay? There's been some more break ins."

"No problem. Always do."

Juice leaned in to kiss her cheek. "I'll see you later?"

"Yup," she told him and he left for TM.

Shawn gave Lyla a call, figuring she could use some retail therapy while the kids were in school and Lyla agreed to pick her up in an hour. Shawn tidied up from breakfast and got ready.

After Lyla picked her up, they shopped for Shawn's clothes first, had lunch, then Shawn turned Lyla loose on her favorite clothing boutique. Shawn had been checking in with Lyla everyday since Opie's wake and this was the first time Lyla seemed like Lyla. Not only did their girl's day seem like it was helping Lyla, but Shawn felt like a weight was being lifted from her shoulders as well.

Lyla dropped Shawn off at home before picking up the kids from school. Shawn put her new things away and ran to the grocery store for somethings for dinner. Juice walked in the backdoor later as she pulled a sheet of food from the oven. He picked at dinner and smiled.

"I have the best wife ever. Those the new clothes?"

"Yeah, do they look okay?"

"Yeah, you look cute."

"Cute," Shawn repeated. "Just the look I was going for."

Juice smiled broadly and told her to seat like he made them both plates of food. They ate dinner on the couch while watching a movie, but before the movie could end, they started making out heavily.

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