Chapter 137

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Shawn and Juice got dressed to go to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, but their clothes came right back off once they got back into the room and they got into the shower together. Normally at home, they'd stay in the shower until the water ran cold, but the hotel had an endless amount of hot water and they lost track of time. Once they finally got out, Shawn put on one of the white robes provided by the hotel and then dug through her bag until she found her comb. Juice had wrapped a towel around his waist and was touching up his mohawk in the mirror as she combed out her hair.

"My hair is awfully knotted," Shawn observed.

"Wonder why," Juice pondered.

"Maybe because someone likes to grab my hair while they kiss me?"

"The shorter hair makes it kind of hot."

"Grow your hair back out," Shawn requested.

"Why so we can both have knotted hair?" He asked and she nodded. "I'll think about it. It was pretty hot having you pull my hair."

Shawn smiled as she continued working on her hair. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Whatever you want," Juice told her. Shawn put the comb back in her bag. "All detangled?"


"Good. I'm going to mess it up, again," Juice said and pull her to him.

"You know," Shawn said once their kiss ended, "I had some ideas for today, but I think I'd rather stay here."

"Thank God," Juice said and kissed her, again, but this kiss was interrupted by his cell phone ringing. "Shit. Hold that thought."

Shawn sighed and nodded. She sat on the bed as Juice grabbed his phone to answer it.

"Hey, man. What's up?" Juice said into the phone. There was silence as he listened to whoever was on the other end. "Oh, shit. When?"

Shawn sat up straighter and looked at Juice with concern. He looked back at her, but didn't say anything as he continued to listen. "Okay. Yeah, we'll be careful."

Juice hung up and sat down next to Shawn.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Someone tried to kidnap Tara about an hour ago."

"Jesus. Is she okay?"

"No, her hand was smashed. They took her to St. Thomas in an ambulance. She's going to need surgery I guess."

"Shit. We need to go home then, right?"

"Yeah. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. You can't help that someone tried to take Tara."

"I know, but you needed time away."

"I got time away," Shawn assured him.

"A day," Juice reasoned.

Shawn held up her left hand and flashed her ring. "Best day of my life."

"So far. I'm going to give you a lot of those days, babe."

"I know," Shawn told him and pecked his lips. "Let's go home. Tara's my friend. I want to make sure she's going to be okay."

"Okay," Juice sighed. Shawn started to get dressed. "Since when do you consider Tara your friend, anyways? You hated her."

"Well, let's see. Probably since everyone else I talked to went to prison and I had no one else to talk to except porn stars. Don't get me wrong, I love Lyla, but I've also seen her have sex and I just needed a friend who I don't know what they look like when they orgasm."

Juice laughed. "Yeah I guess that could get weird."

"You guess? Try just imagining Chibs have sex."

"I've seen Chibs get laid. Honestly, you wouldn't want to play pool at the clubhouse if you've seen some of the shit I've seen."

"I'll keep that in mind," Shawn laughed.

They finished getting dressed and packing their bags. Juice checked out of the hotel and went out to the car. They had to stop for gas before heading home.

"I'm going to go inside and get a soda or something," Shawn told him. "You want anything?"

"I'll get it," Juice told her. "You wait in the car and lock the door while I'm inside."


"Because someone tried to kidnap Tara. I've been way too lenient when it comes to your safety. I'm not letting you get hurt, again."

"Does this mean I'm going to have to get used to V-lin being at our house when you're not around?"

"Yup," Juice said and got out of the car.

Shawn reached for the button to lock the car doors and sighed as she sunk into her seat a bit. She watched Juice walked into the store and watched through the windows as he walked back to where drinks were. He walked out of sight and Shawn look around the gas station since she had nothing better to do. The air caught in her lungs as a black BMW pulled into the parking lot and over to a gas pump not far from where her car was parked. Shawn watched, wide eyed and unable to breath, until the door to the BMW opened and a blond woman got out. Shawn let out the breath she had been holding and closed her eyes as she tried to relax. A knocking at the window startled her a moment later and her eyes snapped open.

"Oh, shit!" She said and saw Juice waiting for her to unlock the door. She hit the button and the doors unlocked.

"You okay?" Juice asked as he handed her a drink. She gave a pointed look at the black car next to them. "Shit."

"I'm fine. I just freaked myself out."

Juice nodded. "I have to pump gas."

"Okay," Shawn said and opened her drink to take a sip.

Juice filled up the tank for her and got back in the car. He noticed she eyed the car one more time as they left the parking lot. "He's not coming back."

"How do you know?"

Juice wasn't sure how to answer her question. He couldn't exactly tell her it was because he was in a hole out in the woods somewhere. "I just do."

Shawn looked at him suspiciously. There was something about his tone and the way he had shifted in his seat even though he was driving that made Shawn wonder if he knew more than he was letting on. Juice saw her looking at him out of the corner of his eye and glanced her way. Now Shawn could see it in his eyes, too.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing," Juice tried to sound convincing, but Shawn didn't look convinced at all. "Why are you so worried about him?"

"Seriously? Why am I worried about the person who attacked me coming back?"

"He's not," Juice insisted. "Stop thinking about him."

"You know it's not that easy," Shawn told him. She was starting to get angry.

"Well, sorry that I don't want my pregnant fiancee thinking about her ex."

"That is not what I am doing. You're being really insensitive right now. Why are you so defensive if there's nothing you're not telling me?"

Juice took a breath to calm himself. He wasn't angry with her, he knew she was right, but he was panicking. He was trying to get through this without flat out lying to her. He reached over and took her hand as he readied himself so his voice would sound normal.

"I'm sorry for being a prick. I just don't want to spend another second of our lives worrying about that asshole. He hurt you and isn't worth our time. We're going to get married and have a baby. Let's just be happy, okay?" Juice said and brought her hand to his lips to kiss it.

"Okay," Shawn nodded, but still looked thoughtful.

Juice knew she was too smart to think nothing was going on, but he hoped all she suspected was that maybe the club had threatened Brent. Maybe at worst given him a beat down. As long as she didn't suspect the truth, they'd be okay.

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