Chapter 70

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Juice called later to let her know they had talked to Georgie. He must have been with the others back at the clubhouse by then because the conversation was brief and impersonal. Shawn found Luanne to let her know what Juice had said and let her know she was leaving.

Shawn walked out to her car and put the laptop in the backseat. As she was opening her door to get in, she was grabbed from behind and a hand came down hard over her mouth. Shawn tried screaming and fighting back, but whoever had her lifted her and carried her around the corner of the building, out of sight of everyone.

She was set back on her feet and pushed up against the wall. Then a hand grabbed her arm to spin her around the face them. Shawn immediately recognized Georgie Caruso. He had three other guys with him.

"Shit, it takes four grown men to jump a woman?" Shawn asked sarcastically.

Georgie's hand grabbed her throat and held her up against the wall.

"Had a visit from some friends of your's today. You should really think about hanging with a better group on people," Georgie told her.

"Fuck you," Shawn spat at him. His grip on her neck tightened.

"Tell your biker boys if they show up at my office again, I'll roll the camera while shoving my dick up all their asses."

Georgie let her go and walked away. Shawn took a step away from the wall to watch him go. Then a hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled Shawn away from the wall before slamming her face into it. Shawn fell to the ground and rolled over in pain.

When the pain had subsided enough that she could open her eyes, she saw blood on the pavement beneath her. Shawn brought her hands up to her face and saw blood on them when she pulled them away.

"Oh, shit," she said and looked around. The men had all left. She stood and made her way back inside the studio. Luanne saw her right away and rushed to her.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell happened?"

"Georgie and his goons were waiting outside for me."

"C'mon. I have to get you to the hospital."

Luanne helped Shawn into her Corvette and drove to St. Thomas. They went inside and the nurse gave Shawn some ice to hold to her nose while they waited. Shawn laid her head back and put the ice on her face. She closed her eyes and tried to relax.

"I told you not to stir things up. Look what that asshole did to her," Luanne said and Shawn opened her eyes to see Jax and Chibs standing there.

Jax moved the ice away from her face to get a better look. "This was Caruso?"

Shawn opened her mouth to tell him what happened, but Luanne started yelling at Jax first.

"Who do you think? You guys must have really put the fear of God into him. Tell him what Georgie said."

"Says if the little biker boys show up again, he's rolling the camera while he shoves his dick up your asses," Shawn told him.

Jax look enraged as he turned to walk out. Luanne called after him.

"Jax! Don't you do any-"

"Who the hell you think you're talking to?" Jax interrupted her to yell back. "Get her patched up! Call your talent and tell them to lock their Goddamn doors!"

Jax stormed out of the hospital and Luanne looked at Shawn.

"Yeah," Shawn said to her. "I'm the only one allowed to talk to him like that."

* * *

The hospital taped Shawn's nose and gave her some pain killers. Luanne drove Shawn home and she got herself an ice pack and went to her room. After putting on some comfy clothes, she settled herself in bed. She wasn't there long before her phone rang. She wondered who it would be, Tig or Juice. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was her father.

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