Chapter 32

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Hey guys new surprise 2 chapters in a day! 

Dedicated to me cause its late and I'm writing.



Hailey’s POV

I smile, posing for another picture with the huge poster of my album cover, my jaw hurting but not caring. I see Connor off to the side with a coke in his hand, looking at my with pride in his eyes which made me even happier. My song was playing in the back ground, You Belong With Me, and I was posing and laughing and answering questions. I just couldn’t believe this was happening.

I was on the red carpet. MY red carpet. And it was incredible.

In the crowd I thought I saw a head full of curly hair, but it came and went as quickly as I saw it. I sighed, if only the boys are here. I wonder how they are, what they are doing? Do they miss me as much as I miss them?

“HAILEY OVER HERE!” I was snapped out of my trance as I went back to posing.

Liam’s POV

I sat with Danielle on the couch at her place, sharing candies and just cuddling on the couch. I was laying down as she was on top of me laying on my chest. We were just absent mindedly talking and watching the news.

“Now for some fun tonight people! We are going to have to cut the show tonight to show you some live footage from the new release of Hailey Malik’s new album Forever & Always.” I looked at the TV and sighed. Some in shame, disappointment, pride and happiness for her, but all in all I just wanted to be there with her.

“She’s done so well…” I heard Danielle say from on top of me, and I looked up to see tears in her eyes. Her and El’s reactions when they found out what happened were terrible. Danielle just broke down, while Eleanor wouldn’t believe it claiming Hailey was way to in love to do anything of the sorts. She still was convinced it never happened.

I quickly turned Dani’s face to look at me. “Hey hey, don’t cry. That’s just it she’s done amazing for herself. Her leaving may have been best for all of us.”

She nodded and buried her head in my chest as I began to hum to her and stroke her hair thinking. But that’s just it, it hasn’t been.

Niall’s POV

I sat anxiously waiting for the popcorn in the microwave to finish popping. Tonight was movie night, but I guess with just me now. Hailey always used to sit and watch the movies with me.

I plopped myself down on the couch as I pressed play on Finding Nemo, sinking into pillows and blankets as the movie began to play. Some parts caus3d me to smile like they always did. Then I got to a certain part.

It’s the part where the fish went over in the tank and freaked out over his bubbles and the treasure chest. I still remember Hailey having to pause the movie every time so she could crack up and allow her self to try to be a normal person again to finish the movie. I paused it, just like she always did. Just sitting there.

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