Chapter 30

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Ok guys not to be all Twilight, but Team Connor or Team Harry??? Very importnat question. Well I'm number 2 on whats hot, have over 650,000 reads, over 500 fans and I FEEL SO LOVED! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! YOU DESERVE THIS CHAPTER LOVES! This is legit the longest chapter I have ever written...

Dedicated to Angelgirl713 who actually told me she wanted this chapter... thanks girl!!



Connor’s POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and no Hailey. I sit up wuickly whipping my head around to find her but my eyes land on a note.

Gone to see the boys, they need to know what happened. Love you I’ll be back soon. Xx


I smile at her thought, how she knew I would freak out if I woke up to her gone. Then frowned as I remembered the night before. Walking in on Amy and Harry in the tech closet. My emotional break down, Hailey being there for me. She was so strong, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?  The guy is strong for the girl? I guess sometimes things need to be changed. I really loved Amy.

After all this time, after all I did to get to her, to make her mine she has to go and cheat. When you put so much of yourself into something, of coarse you heart goes with it. And that gives you the opportunity to get heartbroken. I didn’t really believe in heartache until now.

I sigh, looking over at the side table and seeing Hailey’s cup of tea where I had placed it when she had her turn to cry last night. I feel my frown grow as I remembered her crying, she deserved all this less than I did. I guess its my own fault for falling for a girl who will always be a slut at heart. I pick up the mug and go to throw it in the microwave. Hailey taught me the joys of really good British tea, its soothing. Girly maybe, but relaxing.

Just as I reposition myself on the couch, sipping at the tea only Hailey can pull of creating, I hear my door fly open hitting the wall. I stand quickly and see a crying Hailey run in and throw herself in my arms, sobbing. I am shocked, but I wrap my arms around her picking her up and placing ourselves back on the couch like last night.

“Tell me what’s wrong Hailey.” I say to her. She just shakes her head in my chest as she continues to cry. I feel my heart break for her as she continues to sob. She’s not hurt, she ran in here which is good.  I can’t think of anything else that it would be. “Please Hailey tell me.” I beg her, seeing her like this is killing me. She doesn’t reply. So I do the first thing that pops in my head, I start to sing Free Fallin’ into her ear.

I had no idea why, Hailey loved it when I sang this song. She said I sounded angelic. I didn’t get it, I didn’t sound that good but I guess whatever made Hailey happy. I bring a hand up to stroke her hair as I sing to hear softly, like a lullaby, trying to sooth her.

She just cried herself out for a good hour, my heart breaking with every wrenching sob that left her. I had never seen or heard someone cry this hard for this long. It made me want to cry, but eventually after many sing troughs of Free Fallin’ and my hand cramping in her hair, her sobs turned to gentle cries, the cries turning to whimpers.

“Now please tell me what happened.” I say to her gently. She looks up at me, she looks like a puppy as I brush hair off her face.

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