Chapter 18

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Guys... I GOT 200,000 READS ON THIS STORY AHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS SO INCREDABLE MUCH! THANK YOU! I also entered this in the Watty Awards.So Vote and tell everyone you know to vote! Please! 

Dedicated to trawetsdeer because she is by best friend and has a GREAT story. GO READ IT PEOPLE! 

Love you all read on!


Harry’s POV

“Hails, baby girl, come on please open the door.” I said as I hit the door with a flat palm, eyes closed with my forehead pressed against the door. My other hand rested on the handle, where I had tried to open the locked door multiple times to soothe my Love. But even I almost couldn’t hear myself over the sound of her cries and sobs from the other side of the door. It was killing me to hear her cries. I wanted to go in there and help her so badly, but I can’t.

Eventually the sobs stopped and I heard Hailey hit the floor. She had fallen asleep. Or fainted. I’m going to go with asleep. I stood there for a couple more minutes before walking back downstairs to see Zayn sitting on the couch with his head in hands with the other boys standing in front of them.

I walked over to stand with the other boys and glared down at Zayn.

“What the hell got into you?” I asked harshly.

“I don’t know!” He said back defensively.

“You wouldn’t just flip on your sister like that!” Liam practically shouted in his face.

“I’m tired –” He started when Louis cut him off.

“We all are! We were our incredibly late last night. That does not give you the right to call Hailey that!”

“You KNOW how that effects her.” Niall cut in.

“Guys stop I need a cigg –” Zayn said standing up, but I interrupted him.

“Is this all about you and your stupid addiction to smoking!” I blurt out in rage, He turned to glare at me.

“Do NOT go there Styles. Not now, not EVER.” He growled back at me. I glared.

“Let me get this straight, this all happened because you needed a DRAG!” I yelled. He stepped forward and flat out punched me in the jaw. I put a hand to my to my hand and felt it begin to swell in seconds. I glared back and raised an arm to hit him back when I heard something behind me.

“Don’t fight. Please?” Hailey all but squeaked out from the doorway to the room. Her face was red and swollen. Her hair was everywhere and her whole form was trembling.


“I don’t wanna talk about it, Zayn. Just wanted Advil.” She said holding up the little bottle and turning to leave. I went to follow her but as she heard foot steps behind her she sped up. Liam took the job of going after her.

I turned back to Zayn to already find him starring at me in silence. Oh great.

Hailey’s POV

I was about to make it back into my room when Liam’s foot stopped the door. Great. I really did not want to talk to anyone right now. I decided to just not acknowledge him for the moment, I really just wanted to be alone. I was planning to call Connor too. Darng.

I quickly walked into my bathroom and quickly downed two Advil, already knowing that I would need more later for my still throbbing head. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I looked terrible. The tear came back into my eyes. I was being weak and I was probably overreacting. I just stood there looking at myself in the mirror crying.

In the mirror I saw Liam walk through the door and look at me sadly. I just looked down not wanted to keep up the eye contact. He slowly walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. That’s what caused me to totally lose it. I turned around and began to sob into his chest. He wrapped is arm around me quickly and began to speak soothing words into my ear. But I was too far gone.

I sobbed into his shoulder for about 15 minutes which did not help with the whole feeling weak thing. After a while I pulled back to look at him.

“Thanks Li, but I think I’m gonna call Connor. You really are the best. Just tell the rest of the boys I’m ok?”

He just nodded and kissed my forehead. I whipped out my phone and immediately dialed Connor

He picked up after the 2nd ring anfd I quickly explained the situation while trying to contain my emotions. Of coarse he began to comfort me.

“You are not that at all Hailey. You are beautiful and fun and smart and incredible just all around. I love you, you have people in London that love you. You may have even more people that love you in America. Just you are loved Hailey.”

“Will you sing to me?” I asked him quietly after he said all this.

“Of coarse let me get my guitar.” He put the phone down and a minute later I heard his sweet voice through the phone singing Free Fallin’. With that I feel asleep slowly with a smile on my face and one of the sweetest voiced ever in my ear. 


Remember, Watty Awards, VOTE!!!! Loves! 

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