School Shooting Part 4

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Toni's pov

I sat next to Cheryl who was lying down and Betty sat at the other side. I could see her getting weaker every minute that passed. I took out my phone and dialled FP, I knew he would be outside with any of the serpents who were in town at the moment.

"TT I'm sorry." Cheryl looked up at me.

"Don't say sorry you have nothing to be sorry for." I reassured her. "Im going to get you out of here I promise."

"What exactly do you plan on doing?" Betty asked.

There was a loud crackle that came from outside.

"Ethel Muggs the rest of the school has been evacuated and we know where you are. If you are not out in the next ten minutes we will be sending people in." A man's voice filled our ears.

I watched Ethel as she paced back and forth as the sirens continued outside. I stood up and Betty's hand replaced mine on Cheryl's stomach.

"Toni." I heard Cheryl whisper.

"Ethel what exactly are you planning on doing? The campus is covered in police, there's no way you are getting out of here."

"Shut up and sit down." She demanded.

"The serpents can help you. We can get you out of town."

For a moment I could see the idea process through her head.

"I don't need your help!" She yelled.

"What are you going to do then?" I asked. "They will come in eventually if you don't go out."

"I told you to shut up." Ethel yelled again and pointed the gun at me. "Go sit back down."

"No!" I refused. "Go, shoot me. I dare you."

"Toni no." Betty called out behind me.

"Are you trying to be brave for your bitch of a girlfriend? Because trust me she's not worth being shot over."

"No but i dont think you'll do it. I think you shot Cheryl by accident and now you are scared but if you don't let us out of here and let me get Cheryl help you will be charged with murder and those police outside will be the least of your worries if I don't get Cheryl out of here alive." I took a deep breath out.

Ethel stopped pacing for a moment. "Do you actually think it's a good idea to threaten the person who I holding a gun? Are you really that stupid?"

"That's not a threat that a promise. Cheryl is a serpent and anywhere you go there will always be a serpent ready to make you pay if Cheryl doesn't get out of here alive." I warned her as I checked to see that FP answered my call.

"Sit down." She waved the gun around.

"Toni sit down." Betty said.

Before I even turned around there was a bang of a gun shot filled the room and then another as I threw myself to the ground.

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