Toni's Past

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Toni's pov

"Toni you don't have to hide your past from me." Cheryl took my hand leading me to sit down on the bed. "If anyone understands awful parents its me." Her eyes were so full of love.

For the first time ever I began to cry in front of Cheryl. I made it a point not to open this box again or think about what was inside it. She wiped away my tears.

"My mom left me with my uncle when I was seven. One day she just upped and left with no explanation. She didnt contact me. One night I feel asleep in my bedroom and woke up on my uncles couch. I was pretty much an orphan. She just disappeared so I began to write her letter. It started every week and then every month until I just stopped writing them. My uncle tried but he just wasn't exactly into parenting. I tried to track her down a few years ago but after a week I gave up. When I was younger my uncle always told me that she wasn't well and thats why she left." I looked into Cheryl's beautiful eyes. "Thats when I joined the serpents. They became my family since mine didn't want me. So I came to terms and for a long time I thought that no one loved me or ever would."

"What about your father?" She asked.

"He left before I was born. From what my uncle had told me over the year he wasnt a great guy. He used my mom for money and whatever else he needed."

"Well do you know what." Cheryl lifted my head up. "You don't need any of them. If it wasnt for them maybe we wouldnt be here just now. Maybe you wouldnt be the girl that I have fallen in love with." She kissed me gently. "You dont have your mom or dad but you have me and I love you."

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