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You all are always honest with me and I want to know your opinions and thoughts on this. I started writing a teen fiction story about a gay witch.  This is the first chapter and i want to know if I should continue with it or if its pretty much shit.


Welcome to my world. I am 16 years I and currently attending my families very upper class private school in ..... Where I can without a doubt confirm was the weirdest school to ever exist. My family had owned the school since in opened in the sixteenth century in order to hide what my family and some other  members of the community they lived in and neighbouring communities really were, what I really  was as well. Even in the age of TV shows and movies dedicated to magic the world was still not ready to know that the things that the type of people they shipped on TV shows were actually real life beings. I mean if history has taught us anything it is that humans don’t like different and when someone is different they either test on them or they kill them. So that’s why my family started this school, to hide the witches of the world away until they could control their powers and learn to keep ourselves  concealed from the rest of the world so they didn’t end up you know experimenting and killing us all. There was a time when humans knew all about us but then came the war and the uprising of one of the most powerful witches our world  had ever seen, Callidora. The humans began to fear us and we went into hiding. After three years of torment to humans and withes alike she disappeared without any trace. No one knew what happened to her, a lot o people speculate that she was killed by someone close to her. My grandma used to tell me stories her grandma had told her about our ancestors being the ones who led other witches in the fight against Callidora. My grandma to me that she believes one day she will be back to bring ore misery and pain  to the world and that we had to be ready when she returned. Eventually my great great great great great great great great grandparents opened a school for witches after years of young witches losing control ad killing themselves of someone else. The responsibility has been passed down every generation so since I with my twin brother are the oldest of our other three siblings we get to have the honour of having a magical duel when we turn eighteen to see who will be  looking after the school after my parents, of course I am dying to be the one to win the duel.  That was sarcasm if you didn’t know. I am probably the only person in my family who has never had any interest in running this school. My interests led me elsewhere, primarily  towards writing and Emily. Emily was another witch who attended the school who I had a crush on for near two years before we even spoke for the first time. Since that first encounter we grew closer and finally one day when we were alone she kissed me. My parents could never know though. If they ever found out about Emily and I they would throw her out of the school. I after all being the only girl my parents had also have an extra added responsibility and that i to supply the school with a new heir. The boys of course could supply the school with an heir however in my family that has always been up to the girl or girls of the family. So me being into girls isn’t something anyone in my family will ever support. No one besides Emily knew of my sexuality and I don’t think anyone even noticed that I hadn’t had a single boyfriend in my sixteen years of life or even expressed any interest in a boy. My parents assume I’m too focused on school and everyone else already thinks I’m weird anyway. My parents didn’t give me much of a good start in that department anyway after naming me Aurora. They had I guess good reasoning behind it, well in their eyes anyway. A few months after they got engaged my parents created a spell, it wasn’t he most useful spell but I guess creating a spell in any way shape or form was pretty impressive for anyone. Their spell created the northern lights (aurora borealis) in the sky or in a room that causes anyone in the room to become mesmerised by it to the point they cant think or move all you can do is stare at it until it eventually disappears on its on or the caster of the spell end the spell. The day they created that spell they made a promise that their first daughter would be named Aurora and here I am. My brothers weren’t that much luckier I guess. My twin brother’s name Wilford – Wil to everyone except our parents. Our younger brothers weren’t  much luckier than us, Braxton (Brax) was two years younger than us, Perseus (Percy) who had turned nine only two weeks ago and then our youngest sibling Cadence (Cade) who was four years old and currently showing no signs of possessing any kind of magic. You probably noticed I am the only without a nickname and I dont want to say I told you so but I did. I got the raw end of the deal when it comes to names.  I mean how do  you even find a nickname for Aurora? Anyway I am way off track. Anyway in sort my family owns a school for witches, I  am gay and no one can know and I have a legacy too uphold that I dont think I can.

Now that you know a little bit more about me  I think it’s about time I let you in on the year that kick started the biggest changes in my life and the beginning of the weirder world.

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