First Holiday Together

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Toni's pov

It had been a week since I had lied to Cheryl about her nana's ring but we were finally on our way to Paris. Cheryl of course had been packing her suitcase for the last month. Even though Cheryl had booked the holiday I had a surprise of my own planned for our second night and I already knew Cheryl wont be expecting it at all.

Cheryl insisted in sitting in the window seat on the plane of course. I wasn't the biggest fan of flying so it didn't bother me. At least I didn't have to look out and see outside and how high we are.

"Are you excited?" Cheryl asked.

"Yes I can't belive we are actually going to Paris." I smiled.

Cheryl rested her head on my shoulder as she relaxed in her seat. I took her hand in mine as we cuddled into one another. Cheryl's hand began to wander down to my thigh and slowly up my leg. I could see her smiling slightly. I could feel a slight tingling in me.

"Cheryl." I grabbed her hand and smiled.

"What?" She lifted her head from my shoulder with a cheeky smile on her face.

"You know what." I placed my finger under her chin and kissed her gently.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Cheryl asked.

"No." I answered.

Cheryl raised her eyebrows. I looked at her questioningly.

"I do." Cheryl smirked. "Come with me?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and took my hand helping out of my seat taking me to the bathroom. She pushed me through the small door locking it behind her.

"Cheryl what are you?" Before I could finish Cheryl's lips were on mine.

I was backed against the small sink that was right next to the toilet seat, with Cheryl's body up against mine. She moved down my body pulling my clothes off as she went. She lifted one of my legs putting my foot against the wall across from us. I flung my head back and it hit off the wall as her tongue explored me. She pulled her face in me to as it intensified. I gripped hold of her hair. I bit my lip as I tried to moan quietly. There was a knock on the door. 

"Two minutes." I shouted through my moans.

"You must take your seats now." The attendant replied.

"Uh.." I couldn't think to speak to her.

"Miss?" She knocked on the door again.

"YES!" I screamed as I reached my climax.

Cheryl stood up with a massive smile on her face.

"I'll meet you at our seats." She gave me a kiss and slid out of the bathroom leaving me half naked.

Cheryl's pov

As I sat down in my seat I could see one of the attendants looking at me funny. She looked away when she noticed me looking over at her. She must have been the one that was outside the bathroom door. The flashing light was on for everyone to put their seatbelts on but Toni wasn't back yet.

"Hey." Toni appeared behind me with a massive smile on her face.

"Hurry get into your seat." I pulled her down and clipped her seat belt.

"Calm down Cheryl it's okay." She kissed me gently.

She took my hand as the plane began to descend. I looked out the window and could see the whole of Paris .

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