Toni's job

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Cheryl's pov

I stared at Toni unable to take back what I had just said. Only seconds had passed but it felt like hours as she just stared not saying a word. I didn't want her to think I had just said it without meaning it or that I hadn't thought about it before now.

"I do. I love you." I repeated. "It isn't just something I blurted out. I have thought about it." In fact I did just blurt it out but that didn't mean I didn't mean it because I had wanted to tell her since the assembly. "That's what I wanted to tell you after the assembly before everything went crazy. I didn't realise it until I had thought it and it hit me that I did in fact love you." 

"Cheryl I..." I stopped Toni before she could continue.

"Look you don't have to say it back but this is the first time I have felt like towards anyone. You have made me realise what love truly feels like TeeTee and I just wanted you to know." I took a deep breath.

She looked at me waiting to see if I was going to say anything else but I wasn't.

"That is my speech over now B.T.W so I will now go and hide in another room." I began to get up off of the couch when Toni got hold of my arm pulling me back down.

"If you had let me finish before you would have heard me say that I love you too Cheryl Blossom."

Before I could even react she turned my body round on top of hers and pulled me into her kissing me more intensely than she ever had before. Usually our kisses would build up to this kind of intensity instead of being this instantly heated. I could feel her warm body under mine as I smiled through our kiss. Toni's hands wandered down and up my entire body and I knew where this was going to lead but I wasn't ready. At least I didn't think I was. No one knew that I hadn't gone that far before. It was embarrassing but it was true. I abruptly jumped up.

"What's wrong?" Toni asked shocked.

"The time maybe we could go see my nana?" I suggested.

"Oh god Jug will be here soon." Toni jumped off the couch.

"Sorry what?" I asked confused.

"I have work in less than an hour." She hadn't noticed my confusion was more about that fact that prince hobo was coming here.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket as I sat back down. 

"We can go see your nana tomorrow?"

"Yes." I replied bluntly.

She sat down beside me seeing that I was upset.

"I have to go to work. It's only for a couple of hours so I wont be long. I need to make money to live on." Toni got up leaving me sitting alone.

I looked up at her not wanting her to go and grabbing her hand.

"I promise time will fly past." She gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm not going to take my bike Jug is coming to pick me up." 

Toni left me with a gentle kiss on my lips and a worrying feeling in my tummy.

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