The Rescue

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Cheryl's pov

I crouched down under one of the cabin window and took some deep breaths, realising I came to save Toni without anything to even defend us with. I looked around me for some kind of weapon and spotted a pile of baseball bats over by a pile of logs. I made my way over to them staying low so no one would see me. I got half way and the wood under me creaked and I froze expecting to be caught. I had no idea if the black hood was even inside just now but there was no way they didn't hear that. I looked back at the door expecting it to open but it didn't. I slowly made my way towards the baseball bats again. In any other town having a pile of baseball bats  outside a cabin would be thought of as weird but here in Riverdale it was fairly normal compared to other things that happened in this town.  Slowly but surely I made it to the baseball bats. I picked the cleanest one that was there, which wasn't exactly clean at all. I took the bat with me over to the nearest window and slowly moved up to peak inside. It was lit up inside by a fire and Toni was sitting on a wooden chair to the side of the fire. I tried to see if there was anyone else there with her but it looked like she was alone. Maybe the black hood was out looking for more victims until midnight. I checked my watch, quarter past eleven. I didn't have enough time to figure out a plan to get Toni out if the black hood was inside but if I was going to die tonight I'd be more than happy to die trying to save the girl I loved. I caught Toni's eyes and her eyes widened as she noticed me at the window, she looked terrified. I crouched back down and made my way to the door. I stopped outside the door taking a deep breath and standing up straight. My hands were shaking but I opened the door slowly. Once it was half open I swung it open fully and ran inside holding the baseball bat up ready for someone to jump out. I scanned the room and it was empty. Only Toni sitting on the chair tied up. I ran over to her taking the cloth that had been in her mouth out.

"What are you doing? You need to get out of here?" Toni cried.

Her face was stained with tears. I placed my hand gently on her cheek and she closed her eyes.

"I'm here to get my happiness, because no one is taking that away from me." I smiled and kissed her lips. "I love you Toni Topaz do you think I'd leave you here."

I untied her arms with great difficulty and moved on to her legs. 

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"Can we talk about it later, I just want to get out of here before he comes back." Toni began to move around in the seat trying to pull her feet out.

Just as I released her legs from the rope there was a creak behind me, I could see in Toni's eyes it wasn't Jughead catching up with me. I gripped on to the baseball bat as I turned round standing up. Only a few steps away stood the black hood. 

"What do we have here? Another sinner." He took a step forward. "This town make it all too easy for me. You failed the test."

I realised why he had sent me the photo of Toni now, he wanted me to make the decision to either come save her or leave her to him. 

"Actually I passed. You might not realise this but love isn't a sin." I raised my eyebrows hoping that he wasn't expecting me to answer him. 

"You shouldn't have come." He walked towards me and I swung the baseball bat in the space between us. 

He took a step back avoiding the bat as I took a step forward keeping Toni behind me. I could feel her body against my back as I took another step forward swinging the bat again. This time the bat stopped half way as the black hood grabbed the bat and pulled it out of my hand.

"Ran out of luck." He laughed.

As he took a step forward a was pushed to the side by Toni who swung a large log at the black hood hitting him in the head. He fell to the ground and she grabbed my hand. We ran past him and he reached out with one hand and holding his head with the other. I was pulled back by Toni as he pulled her leg. I looked into Toni's eyes and could see fear. Before I knew it I had turned round to the black hood, my foot meeting his face with all the strength I could manage. He released Toni's leg and we ran outside the cabin. I pulled her towards the direction of Jugheads motorbike. As we turned the corner I heard a gun shot behind us. I climbed on to Jughead's motorbike pulling Toni on behind me for once. I turned to see the black hood at the corner holding a gun aimed at us. I turned the key and sped away hearing multiple gun shots behind us. 

Next week I won't be able to upload much because im working pretty much every day to save money for archiecon so im going to upload a few chapter's just now and the sex chapter will be soon...

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