First Date

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Toni's pov

After I had lunch with Cheryl, Jughead, Betty, Sweetpea and Fangs I left school immediately. I wasnt in any of Cheryls classees this afternoon so she would never know I had left until later. I had to pick up my motorbike for after school so I headed to see if it was ready for me to pick up. I didn't want to have to borrow Jugheads again and I didnt want to take any public transport with Cheryl on our date.

When I got to the garage my motorbike was sitting waiting on me with a note attached to it.

'Toni your bikes good. I'll see you another time away for today'

I ripped the note off of it and climbed on. It felt so familiar and a lot more comfortable than Jugs. Now that step one was complete it was on to step two of preparing for our date.

Cheryl's pov

I had no idea where Toni was taking me on this date but I was nervous. This was probably the first time I had been on a first date that truly matter to me and that I cared about. I wanted things to keep going the way they were with Toni and I didn't want to mess it up like I did with everything else. I went out of the front entrance of the school to see Toni leaning against a motorbike that wasnt Jugheads.

"Hi pretty girl." Toni smiled she put her hand out to me and pulled me towards her. "Do you like?" She asked.

"Yes yours?" I asked.

She nodded as she watched me looking at her motorbike.

"Atleast you dont need to borrow king hobos anymore." I smiled forgetting that they were friends for a moment. "Sorry."

"Its fine." She lied. "Ready to go?"

I nodded smiling as she climbed on her motorbike putting her hand out to help me on. Some boys hanging out at the school entrance whistled at us and I gave them a death stare which was met with them looking away awkwardly and going inside.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked.

"Its a surprise." She smiled pushing the bike off the ground and we began our journey to wherever we were going.

I watched as we drove out of Riverdale towards the mountains and hills I only ever seen from a distance. I still couldnt figure out where we were going. We began up one of the mountains. I watched as we got higher and higher and the town of Riverdale got smaller and further. We eventually stopped and I climbed off of Toni's motorbike. She climbed off after me and took my hand.

"We're not there yet." She pulled my arm gently.

We began to walk towards some trees and then through them. We continued until we met the other end of the trees and we were close to the edge of the mountain. There was a big red and black blanket covering part of the mountain with cushions and candles all around. A wooden basket sat in one of the corners and Toni's camera was stilling beside it.

"Wow." Was all I could get out.

I could see Toni smiling from the corner of my eye.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"How could I not?" I replied. "No one has ever went to this much trouble for me." A tear escaped my eye and Toni caught it.

"Cheryl you are more than worth all of this and more. Lets sit before we miss the sunsetting." Toni led me over to the blanket and sat me down on one of the cushions.

Toni began to bring out some food from the basket. Strawberries and chocolate, little sandwiches, bottles of cherry cola, a bottle of red wine (I wasn't even going to ask where she got it from because it was probably from her work), some glasses and chips.

"I'll be back in two seconds." Toni got up and ran into the trees and within a few seconds she was back with both her hands behind her back.

She sat down beside me once again holding something behind her back.

"What do you have?" I asked.

She took her hands from behind her back and she was holding a dozen roses and a small box.

"Omg Toni." I couldn't believe it.

She placed down the roses and handed me the box.

"Open it." Her smile was as wide as her face could manage as she watched me open the box.

I took the top off the box and there was a charm bracelet inside. I lifted it up to find two charms on it a snake and cherries. It was perfect.

"Toni you shouldn't have." I began to cry and Toni wrapped her arms around me.

"Dont cry." She hugged me tighter then helped me put on the bracelet.

Toni's pov

As we began to eat some of the food i brought and watched the sunset over Riverdale I picked up my camera. While Cheryl watched the sun go down I pointed my camera at her and took some photos of her. I got up slowly and went a few steps behind her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Just stay there a second." I pointed my camera towards Cheryl getting both her and the orange sky in the photo.

I showed her the photo as I sat down next to her and smiled.

"Thank you for all of this." She put down the strawberry she had been eating.

She began to move in closer and I took away the rest of the space between us. I held her face as we kissed and began to run my fingers through her hair as my tongue entered my mouth. As the kiss began to heat I could feel the want and need in Cheryl's kiss as it continued to intensify. We eventually came up for air as the world around began to get dark.

"We should go before it gets too dark." I helped Cheryl up and began to put everything away in the basket.

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