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Toni's pov

As we stood on top of the eiffel tower I decided right now was the perfect time for what I have planned. I stared out at Paris under the night sky, all of the people below wandering around unaware of what was going to happen above them. I turned to Cheryl and turned her to face me. Taking both of her hands in mine. She stared straight into my eyes and for a moment I lost my train of thought.

"Ton..." She began.

I placed my finger on her lips as she stared at me confused. I smiled as I took nana Rose's ring out of my pocket hiding it behind me back with my other hand.

"Whats..?" She tried to speak through my finger as I smiled at her.

My heart was racing and my hands were beginning to sweat. I held on to the ring tightly praying that my sweaty hands didn't make it slip out of them.

"Cheryl in such a short time we have been through a lot. Your nana Rose gave me something few months ago and I have been holding on to it for some time looking for the right time. I lied to you about it because I wanted to do this right and in a way that is fitting for a princess." I paused. "I didn't think that the right time would come so soon but after being shot I could see what your nana Rose had clearly seen a long time ago." I smiled at the confusion on Cheryl's face. "She told me that from the moment I walked through the door she knew that we were special. She is the reason that I found you when your mother sent you away and" I pulled the ring out of my pocket. "She gave me this." I showed Cheryl the ring and her eyes grew large. "I love you Cheryl Blossom." I placed my hand gently on her cheek. "And for a long time your nana has known something that deep down I knew too but she was the only one brave enough to say it." I took deep breath. "You are my one true love, the cherry to my cola and most importantly you are my everything. You make me the happiest I have ever been. The serpents have been my family for as long as I can remember and now I want you to be my family." I looked into Cheryl's eyes which were now filled with tears as she smiled at me. "Will you do me the incredible honor and marry me?"

For the first time in Cheryl's life she was speechless. Her eyes were filled with tears yet none of them fell. I stared into her wonderful brown eyes waiting for her to speak but she didn't.

I have 4 pages left in Vanessa and Madelaines fan book for this weekend. If you want to write then a message private message me

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