Facing the Beast

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Cheryl pov

Toni borrowed Jugheads motorbike again. This time without him knowing. I never thought how free it would feel to be on one of these. The freedom at the wind in my hair. I liked having my arms around Toni's waist even if it was just so I didn't fall off the bike. She made me feel comfortable with who I feel I am. I don't feel like the same person around Toni as I do with other people in Riverdale. I was so in my own head that I didn't even realise that we had pulled up at Thistlehouse.

"Are you ready?" Toni asked.

I knew as soon as I looked into her eyes that I was, I could see the confidence she had in me. She gave me confidence. The pink haired girl I barely even knew in the grand scheme of things. She seemed to care about me when no one else really does. My own mother doesn't even love me and she would never except me for who I was. I climbed off of the motorbike and Toni climbed off after me. 

"You don't have to wait on me." I smiled.

"I'm not going to leave you alone with that psycho." Toni hugged me and I didn't want her to let me go.

I breathed in her scent as her pink hair covered my face. I closed my eyes bracing for the war I was about to enter. I pulled away and stared at Toni forgetting to look away. I could feel something pulling me towards her. Just as my lips nearly met hers I stepped back quickly knowing I had to face what was in the house behind me before I could face anything else and I k new exactly what I had to do.

"I won't be long." I gave Toni a confident smile and headed into thistlehouse.

When I opened the all too familiar door I was met with silence.

"MOTHER!" I shouted into the silence.

I waited and after a few moments I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Cheryl what do you think you are playing at?" My mother shouted.

"Hello mommy dearest." I smiled.

"Cheryl you are sick you shouldn't be here let me take you back to the sister." She tried to manipulate me.

"I am perfectly fine you are the one that is sick. You and uncle Claudius and I want you both gone out of her."

"What are you talking about? This is our home." My mom laughed.

"Not anymore. You are both going to leave or I'll be the only blossom along with nana Rose and JJ's twins left. I know you were the one that pushed Nana Rose down the stairs that night and I will prove it. I will also let all of town know all of you and daddys darkesr little secrets that you didnt think I knew unless you both leave us!" I said firmly.

My mother's face turned from amused to shocked.


"And I want to be emancipated." I interrupted her. "

She stared at me with her mouth open.

"I am going to go out with Toni for a few hours and by the time I get back I want you and stranger uncle gone." I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked out of the house leaving my mom to pack while I went with Toni.

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