The Serpents

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Cheryl's pov

Toni and I laughed the entire way back to Thistle house. Once I climbed off the back of her motorbike I took her hand helping her off and pulled her to me. I put my other hand on the small of her back and and kissed her gently. I craved her lips more each day and the longer I went without them I craved them more. She bit her lip as I pulled away.

"Maybe I should finish what I started." I smirked.

Toni's smile grew as she pulled me into Thistle house.

She pushed me against the door as she closed it behind us.

"Miss Blossom do you have unfinished business?" She kissed me taking both of my hands and sliding both of them up the door behind me above my head.

"Well Miss Topaz I think you know all about my unfinished business." I smirked turned her round and pushing her against the door.

I slipped off her serpent jacket and top. As I moved my hands over her body I reached her thighs and I could feel a vibrating. I took her phone out her pocket and put the screen in front of her face.

"Important or can we continue?" I asked as I kissed her neck.

"Its a message from sweetpea theres a meeting for the serpents tonight." Toni looked concerned.

"Is that something we should be worried about?" I asked.

"A meeting isn't called unless its something important. I've got to go." Toni put her top amd serpent jacket back on and went to kiss me goodbye but I grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving. "Cheryl I need to go."

"I know you do but I'm coming with you." I smiled.

Toni's pov

It had been a long time since the serpents had any kind of meeting so I was concerned. I wasn't sure how they would feel about Cheryl tagging along too but I didn't care she was part of my family and from what I've heard they have accepted her as part of the family. The car park outside the Whyte Wyrm was filled with motor bikes. I hadn't seen it this bad since FP got arrested.  I stopped outside the doors as I could see Cheryl was nervous.

"Look nothing that is happening in there will come between us or put our relationship in jeprody so don't look so worried it will be nothing for you to worry about." I reassured her. 

I gave her a gentle kiss before opening the door and being met with the smell of alcohol and smoke. I took Cheryl's hand as I headed inside. The place was packed full and everyone was talking over each other. I spotted Jughead sitting near the bar and headed in his direction.

"Whats going on?" I asked him.

"No idea."

I pulled out a stoll for Cheryl to sit on as I stood beside her. I looked around the bar at everyone. All of the older serpents were talking over one another angrily while the younger ones were standing looking just as confused as I felt. 

"EVERYONE QUIET!" FP shouted through everyone.

The room fell silent as all eyes fell on FP who had climbed on top of the bar. 

"We all know we have a problem and we didn't think we did. We thought it was the north sides problem but now its ours since the black hood went after one of our own." FP looked at me. "A few of us have been talking about what we do now and with the threat of a prison being built in our neighbourhood and he black hood coming after serpents." He paused and I could tell he was going to say something that was going to cause chaos. "The serpents are leaving Riverdale."

The entire room erupted as everyone began to shout and argue. 

"Look I know this isn't our way but we are too vulnerable here! We are in danger! This isn't going to be forever just until the black hood is caught or this prison is stopped from being built."

The room erupted again and I looked at Jughead who looked at me in shock shaking his head. I felt someone grab my hand from behind and turned to see Cheryl sitting her eyes filled with tears. 

"You all have a choice to make, you either come with the rest of the serpents or you stay here on your own." FP climbed down off the bar.

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