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Cheryl's pov

When I got to sweet water river all of the serpents were except Toni. There were motor bikes, trucks and suitcases everywhere. I stood by myself holding back the tears. I watched the serpents as they sorted out all there stuff and said their goodbyes.

"Cheryl what are you doing here? Where's Toni?" I turned to see Jughead with Betty and FP.

"She told me to meet her here." I replied.

"Oh." Was all Betty could say.

I knew she was thinking the same thing I was. Toni made her decision and it wasn't me she was going to pick. My stomach sank as I finally accepted that Toni was going to leave with the serpents. I understood deep down I did, but it didn't make it any easier. I was going to lose another love. This time I thought it was going to be forever. I thought she would be with me until the end. It was what I wanted and I thought she wanted that too. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to have to say goodbye to her.

"I need to go." Tears spilled down my cheeks.

"Cheryl.." Betty looked at me and I could see the sadness and sympathy in her eyes.

"Cousin Betty don't." I turned away from her looking at the ground as my tears fell to the ground.

I am Cheryl Blossom. I straightened my back and lifted my head. My eyes were graced with the vision of her beautiful pink hair and perfect face smiling at me.

"Where are you going?" Toni asked climbing off her motorbike.

She didn't have her backpack with her, in fact all she had with her was her motorbike.

"Where is all of your things?" I asked.

She looked at me confused as she pulled me into her arms. I could feel everyone's eyes on us as she moved my hair from my face.

"I have been waiting my entire life for you. I ran into a building with psycho nuns for you. I have taken a bullet and you've taken my heart."

"Toni?" Jughead interrupted.

I turned to see Jughead making one of his weird faces at Toni. I turned back to Toni who was shaking her head to him.

"Whats..?" Toni placed her finger on my lips stopping me from continuing.

"The serpents have been my family when I had no one but now I have found my someone and I know that the serpents will understand."

I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage as I stared into Toni's eyes. My vision was beginning to blur as tears built up in my eyes

"No matter what I would choose you every time. You are my first choice in everything." Toni smiled.

I flung my arms around Toni kissing her through my tears.

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