Twins Day Out

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Cheryl's pov

It had been four months since my mother had died. Nothing really had changed much. The black hood was still at large and I was perfectly happy with Toni. My mothers death hadn't changed anything in my life because she had never really been part of my life for as long as I could remember. Jasons twins would never know her and that was probably a good thing. They could stay pure and innocent away from her vile poisonous presence. Today was the first time I would have the twins without Polly being there. They were eight months so apparently that meant they would a little easier to take out. I wouldn't be on my own exactly since Toni was coming with us. After all it was her idea.

Toni's pov

Cheryl had begun to pretend again. She was now pretending like the death of her mother wasn't effecting her at all but a few night ago I woke up to the sound of Cheryl crying out for her. It might have been four months ago but if theres one thing I know about Cheryl is that she can hold on to stuff. I felt so uncomfortable sitting in Bettys house withour her being there. Her mom just stared at Cheryl like she was the devil. Polly was late with the twins so we had been sitting in silence across from Mrs Cooper for nearly half an hour. I kept wishing Betty and Jug would appear some how but I knew there was no chance on that. I would have even settled for Chic to come home. As I began to play with Cheryl's hands the front door of the house opened and I could hear the wheels from the stroller coming over the threshold.

"Hey I'm sorry I'm late." Polly apologised.

"Its fine I'm just glad you made it." Cheryl smiled.

"Should we get going then?" I asked eager to get out of the house.

"Are you sure you don't want me to keep the twins today?" Mrs Cooper asked.

"Mom!" Polly snapped at her.

Mrs Cooper put her hands up and walked away.

"Okay so they have just ate so they shouldn't be hungry any time soon and I just changed their diapers so they should be good for a while." Polly handed the stroller to Cheryl who stared down at the twins and smiled.

"The more they grow up the more I see of Jason." Cheryl stroked Junipers cheek.

Cheryl's pov

We didn't have the twins for very long because Polly had to get back to the farm, but I was happy to have some time with them. They were growing up so fast. When Polly was pregnant I didn't think id get the opportunity to be in their lives at all. Toni has suggested taking them to the swing park when we left thistle house which was defintely the best suggestion since I had no idea where to take them.

"I'll take Juniper and you take Dagwood." I said as I picked Juniper out of the stroller.

I placed her in the swing and she looked up at me with her beautiful Jason like eyes. I pushed the swing slightly and at first she looked startled and then smiled as the swing seat came towards me again. Toni placed Dagwood in the swing next to us and he instantly began to cry. Toni took him back out of the seat and trying to comfort him. I pushed Juniper lightly as I watched Toni with Dagwood. I couldn't help but smile as I watched.

"What are you smiling at?" Toni asked noticing me watching her.

"Nothing." I lied as I turned back to Juniper.

"I'm going to take him for a walk to see if he'll calm down." Toni gave me a quick kiss through Dags cries.

Juniper giggled as she swung away from me and back, her tiny chubby legs hanging in the air.

"What do you think of Toni?" I asked Juniper knowing she couldn't answer. "Do you like her? because I like her a lot."

Juniper stopped laughing and smiled staring straight into my eyes. I took Juniper out of the swing and sat down on the bench with her on my knee.

"Your daddy would have loved you so much." I kissed Junipers forehead. "I wish he got to meet you."

I took my cell phone out of my pocket and searched through my photos for one of Jason.

"This is your daddy." I turned the screen to Juniper which had the most recent photo I had of Jason.

Juniper took my cell phone out of my hands staring at the screen.

"Hey look what we got."

I turned to see Toni standing behind me with Dags and an ice cream cone. Dagwoods face was covered in ice cream but he looked happy.

"Can you take a photo of us?" I asked Toni.

She handed Dagwood to me and took my cell phone from Juniper. I held both of them on each knee. Toni tried her best to get both of their attention but wasn't successful, so she took the best photo she could.

"Should we start walking back?" I asked handing Juniper to Toni.

Toni nodded as she placed Juniper in the stroller then Dagwood.

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