Toni's Birthday Part 2

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Guys thank you so much for your support. You have all put a smile on my face from your comments, thats why I decided to write you all a little something extra before I have to go. I love you all so much.

Cheryl's pov

I was so happy that Toni loved her present from me but that wasn't it over. I had plenty more planned for today and another present waiting for her back in Riverdale. I just had to wait on the text so that I could tell her about that present. Since she planned our full night when she proposed it was my turn to surprise her with my plans for her birthday. 

"Can't you give me a hint about where we are going?" Toni asked.

"Did you give me a hint for your surprises?" I asked.

Toni rolled her eyes. 

"Don't worry it will be worth it I promise." I smiled

We walked for a couple of more minutes before I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly sneaked a peek at it and seen the text from Betty that I had been waiting on. 

"What are you smiling about?" Toni asked.

"You'll see. Come on." I grabbed Toni's hand pulled her.

I could finally take her to her next surprise. We turned the corner and I could see Toni's eyes widen.

"I wish I could ride a Harley Davidson one day." She slid her hand over the motorbike in front of her.

"Well today is your lucky day." I took keys out of my pocket and threw them to Toni.

"What? No way." Toni looked down at the key in her hand. "Cheryl how did you.."

"This is just a trial run your real one is waiting back in Riverdale."

"This is far too much. I can't except this."

"Of course you can and as your future wife I insist." I smiled as I watched Toni staring at the Harley Davidson in front of her.

Shs pulled me into her and kissed me intensely. She pulled away from me slowly leaving me aching for more.

"I like the sound of that my future wife." Toni smiled and gave me a gentle kiss.

"Do you want to go for a ride?" I asked.

"Hell yes!" Toni climbed on to the Harley Davidson and put her hand out to help me on.

Toni's pov

It had only been a few days since I had last rode on my motorbike but it felt like it had been forever. I enjoyed the the feeling of the wind on my face as I navigated through Paris. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be on a motorbike driving through Paris with the girl I am in love with on the back holding on to me tightly after agreeing to marry me.

"Turn left." Cheryl called out. "Stop when we get to those trees."

As I stopped Cheryl climbed off she opened up the small back pack she had with her. I looked arouns at where we stopped. We were up above Paris looking over it from a hill side. It looked beautiful filled with life and color.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"For this."

I turned to see Cheryl holding a brand new camera.

"I promise this is your last present." She could probably sense my hesitation. "And I brought you up here so that you could try it out while we had lunch." Cheryl brought out a small wooden basket from the back of the Harley.

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