Some Answers

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Cheryls pov

I sat on the sofa staring at the envelope in my hands. Something inside me was pushing me open it, but my heart felt like it couldn't take anymore. I hadn't even thought about the fact I was told my mother was dead all I could think about was what was so important that she would come here after clearly faking her death to tell me. As I was just going to open the envelope the front door of the house creaked open.

"Cheryl?!" Toni shouted.

"I'm in here!" I called back.

Toni appeared holding two bags from Pop's. "Hey you." She leaned against the door post with a smile on her face. "Whats wrong?" Her smile turned to a frown as she made her way to me.

I lifted the envelope up showing it. 

"Whats that?" She asked.

"It's a message from my mother. Something that is apparently incredibly important." I paused while Toni  looked at me confused. "Oh and shes alive BTW." I rolled my eyes. 

"Of course she is." Toni rolled her eyes and sat down beside me. "What does it say?" 

"I have no idea I haven't opened it." I squeezed my lips together. 

"You don't have to open it if you don't want to. She doesn't get to fake her death and wander back into your life to give you an envelope telling you it's important then leaving again." Toni took my hand as she placed the bags of food on the floor.

"I know." I took a deep breath knowing that I should tell Toni that my mother was the one who put the note through the door the night I was raped.

"Is there more?" Toni asked looking at me with her brown eye filled with worry.

I nodded. "My mother put the note through the door that night. She wanted to tell me everything that she has put in this letter but Nick got to me first."

Toni stared forward not saying a word. I looked down at the envelope in my hands knowing that if I didn't open it I would just wonder for the rest of my life what it said.

"I'm going to open it! I need to know." I insisted.

"Do you want me to leave you to read it or stay?" Toni asked.

I tightened my grip on her hand showing her I wanted her to stay with me for this and she nodded. I slowly slipped my finger under the opening of the envelope pulling it open to reveal the papers inside. I took stopped taking a deep breath before I proceeded to take the papers out of the envelope.

Dear Cheryl,

I know that it will be a long shot if you even open this but I hope you do. There is so much I want to tell you and so little time. Your father is alive and he is the reason I had to fake my death. The car crash was no accident. I learnt something that your father had been keeping from me, which cause him to lose his temper and control of the car. I faked my death to save my life as I fear he would kill me if he got the chance. I fear that when I give you this letter it will most definitely be the last time I see you. Jason is alive! Your father has him. He had everything planned from the start. His only goal was to draw his brother Claudius out of hiding by faking Jason's death. I don't know where he has him but he is alive. I am going to do what I can to find him but if I fail or your father gets to me first I just needed you to know your brother is out there somewhere. Your father feared that his brother would kill him when he least expected it therefore he set it all up to get to him first. The curse states that it is the twin who kills the other therefore that is the only reason your father has kept Jason alive. When I found this out with a phone call that I answered on your fathers phone from Jason I confronted your father which is how we ended up in the car accident. Your father has threatened you, Polly and the twins lives and that is the only reason Jason has stayed where ever he is.

I know that to say our relationship wasn't perfect was an understatement however please keep safe and make sure if you do see your father don't let him know that you know who he is or anything about Jason. I do not agree with how you live your life or who you live it with but Jason will need you when he comes back for Polly and the twins. Maybe one day you will fix what you broke between us and stop this deviant behaviour, but until then keep an eye out for Jason. 

Your Mother.

As I finished read the word of my vile mother I knew that no matter what happened the relationship between us would never change. I starred at the pages in my hands, my eyes blank unable to process what my mother had written about Jason. I seen my father shoot him in that video. There was no way he could still be alive not after this amount of time.

"Cheryl?" Toni tried to get my attention to see if I was okay but I couldn't respond I couldn't think or move, I just sat like a statue thinking of my brother. Thinking he has been out there all this time while I grieved for him and cried myself to sleep, while his twins lived not knowing him for nearly the first year of their lives. 

Sorry I haven't been able to update lately I'm just working a lot. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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