Black Hoods Return

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Cheryls pov

After nearly getting caught in the bathroom we decided it would be best not to get into a cubicle together.

We were meant to be in our last class before lunch but instead we had been pulled in for an assembly and no one had any idea what it was about. Toni kept me a seat next to her with Jughead, Betty, Archie and Veronica behind us and Sweetpea and Fangs to the other side of Toni.

Mr Lodge appeared in front of us with a blue curtain behind him and a golden rope hanging down. He began to start talking about the south side so I zoned out not interested in what he had to say about his plans, I'm sure he was here because he needed our help with something why else would he be showing a students this plans instead of the adults of the town. In my eyes shutting south side high was the best thing to happen to this town and not for the same reasons and many others but because it brought Toni to me. I looked to my left and Toni was listening intently to what Mr Lodge was saying. I guess it effected her more than it did me. The south side was her home after all. I never thought that I would love someone who came from the south side never mind someone who was a member of the serpents. My thoughts stopped as I realised what I had just thought to myself. Love! Did I really just think that? Do I? I looked over at Toni she she was staring at Mr lodge.

"Toni I need to tell you something after this." I whispered.

For the first time since Mr Lodge had began speaking Toni turned away from him and looked at me smiling.

"Is everything okay?" She whispered back and I nodded.

Toni took my hand and proceeded to listen to what Mr Lodge was saying once again. My head began to circle around the word love as I thought about my every minute with Toni so far. I was so focused on Toni and what I had just thought that I didn't even realise that Mr Lodge was finished speaking. Veronica's dad pulled the rope to reveal the plans he had for the southside. One of the girls at the bottom screamed seeing what no one else had yet. As the curtain moved up we all seen what she seen. Everyone erupted into screams and running. I stared at what was now the blooded lifeless body of Midge stuck up against a wooden board with knives holding her. Around her was words like 'slut', 'sinner' and 'I'm back' with 'Black hood' in massive writing down at the bottom. Everyone was running down the stairs as Mr Lodge and principle wetherbee trying to help Midge off the board and pull the curtain down at the same time. Someone grabbed my hand and I looked down to see Toni's hand holding on to mine as she pulled me up out of my seat and down that stairs.

"Everyone stay calm and exit." Principle Wetherbee shouted across the cries and screams of the rest of the students.

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