A Phone Call

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Cheryl's pov

Toni held me all night long as we lay in bed. At one point during the night I just ran out of tears. I could hear my own voice saying I was pregnant over and over again. Every time I closed my eyes I seen they two faint red lines. My whole world felt like it had just come crashing down. When we woke up Toni went straight into the bathroom without saying anything. When she reappeared a few minuted later all I wanted to do was hold on to her and stay in bed forever.

"Cher I called your doctor to get you an appointment for today." Toni sat on the edge of the bed.

I got up and sat behind her wrapping my legs around her.

"I love you." I wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you too." Toni lifted one of my hands and kissed it.

She stood up off of the bed and moved me back slightly. She climbed on to the bed beside me and held me once again.

"Toni I--" I started.

"I love you Cheryl Blossom. Nothing is going to change that not even a baby. I am yours forever and I will always be by your side, I promise." Toni hugged me tighter.

"I love you too." I replied.

The doorbell rang through the house as my nanas nurses arrived to pick her up. My heart stung at the thought of her going away again.

"I'll go let them in." Toni gave me a small kiss before climbing off rhe bed and disappearing into the halld way.
While Toni was downstairs helping the nurses with my nana I stared at the phone hoping whoever had called it yesterday would call again but it had been silent from the moment I picked it up. I had spent almost an hour trying to figure out the passcode but nothing I tried worked.

As I began to walk out of the bedroom to say goodbye to my nana I could hear the unfamiliar ringtone that I had only heard in a muffled tone. I ran along to my bedroom and picked up the cell phone answering it as fast as I possible could.

"Hello are you there?"

My heart stopped as I heard his voice. I stood unable to move and just stared at the wall across from me.

"JJ?" I cried.

The other side of the phone was silent and then he hung up. My heart broke. Why did he hang up on me?

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