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Cheryl pov

It was my first day back at school since my unplanned absenses courtesy of my mother. As I applied my red lipstick Toni was in my bathroom brushing her teeth. As I finished my lips my phone buzzed on my bed. I picked it up and seen a text from Veronica.

'Is it true what people are saying about you and Toni? Chuck has told everyone he seen you both looking quite cosy at pops.'

I sat down on my bed slowly. I hadn't really thought about the rest of the world and how everyone in school would react and treat me when they found out about me and Toni. I had forgot the rest of the world existed during these last few days with Toni. It hadn't really bothered me before now but what if people started treating me different. I was always the leader the head of the school food chain. Toni came into my bedroom with a massive smile on her face until she noticed me on the bed.

"Whats wrong?" Toni asked as she sat next to me.

"Toni I just want everyone to know I am still me."

"Why would they not?" She asked.

I handed her my phone letting her read the text from Veronica. She placed my phone on the bed and took my face into her hands lifting it up.

"You are Cheryl Bombshell nothing will change that, not even who you like." Toni reassured me.

The confidence she had in me always shocked me but she was right.

Tonis pov

When we got to school everyone was staring at us. Unlike Cheryl I wasn't used to everyone being interested in what I was doing or who I was seeing. Cheryl kept her head high while I walked beside her into the school. As soon as we walked through the doors the hallway instantly fell silent enough to hear a pin drop. We stopped for a moment while everyone looked at us. I noticed a few people whispering to one another not taking their eyes off of me or Cheryl.

"Cheryl so you like the ladies now?" One of the boys shouted through the crowds of people.

"Queen bombshell is a lesbo!" Another shouted.

Before I knew it Cheryl had grabbed my face and her lips were pressed so hard against mine I could feel the anger and sadness in her heart. The crowds began to cheer as Cheryl pulled away from me slowly.

"I definitely want to be more than just your friend." She whispered so low that only I could hear.

"Now peasants will you move out of our way I don't need any of your vile bodies near me!" Cheryl shouted into the crowd and everyone instantly parted.

Cheryl took my hand and led me through and past the crowds while everyone continued to stare. I seen one of the boys taking a photo of us as we walked past and as soon as he seen I seen him he quickly put his phone away. Cheryl led me into the girls bathroom.

"You were right TT I'll always be Cheryl Bombshell." She smiled a smile that I hadn't seen since my vixens try out.

"Are you doing anything after school?" I asked.

"I was going to go see my nana but I think I'll wait until tomorrow." She fixed her hair in the mirror.

"Well.." I began until I noticed Cheryl was still looking at herself in the mirror.

I took her arm turning her round to face me. She looked at me confused.

"Would you like to go on a date after school?" I paused. "With me."

"Yes but I dont have anything to wear." She looked at her black off the sleeve top and red skirt.

"What you are wearing is perfect." I smiled giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek.

As I slowly moved away from her face I was drawn to her amazing red lips and I began to move towards them only to jump back as the bathroom door burst open.

Choni New LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon