Hurt #

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My loves this isn't a chapter if you are easily triggered, SO DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER IF SO. This chapter does involve a very very sensitive subject and might be hard to read. Also everyone who does read it please don't hate me, the person who does this will meet their maker and won't get away with it. I just think that what happens to them in my story should have been what really happened to him because he got away very easily for his crimes. I might not get the chance to update this weekend because I am working that's why I have uploaded a few chapters for you today. I am also thinking about doing a live stream of me writing one of the upcoming chapters so you all can see how I write it and  get a kind of behind the scenes, so let me know if you'd be up for that. And I apologise before hand for what you are about to read.

Cheryls pov

When we got home from the engagement party. I found a piece of paper that was pushed under the front door and I quickly picked it up opening the door to see if I could catch the person who put it through before I even checked what the paper was. There was no one and nothing outside. I was met with nothing but silence and darkness as I looked outside. I closed the door back over slowly trying to be as quiet as I possibly could. 

"Cheryl? Where are you?" Toni shouted from upstairs.

"Just a minute." I called back to her.

I flipped the page over and my heart stopped.

Come to where a life ended and this all started or the one you love will die. 

I quickly folded the page and shoved it down my bra. Who would leave that? And what did it mean? Where did what start? I pulled the page back out to look at it. Where a life ended. The barn that my father killed himself?

Toni wouldn't let me go by myself if she knew what was going on. I needed an excuse to why I was going out so late. 

"Cheryl what are you doing?"  Toni appeared out of no where.

I jumped as I turned around. Toni was smiling as she stood with just a towel around her wet body. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her wet naked body in front of me. 

"I just need to go out for a moment. I won't be long." I smiled.

"Where are you going at this time?" She asked.

"I was  just going to go for a walk and take in everything that happened today. It was such a crazy eventful day, and I will get us some snacks and we could watch a movie in bed."

"Let me throw on something and I will come with you." She began to turn to go back upstairs.

"I won't be long I'm just going for snacks for us I promise." I lied.

"Why? I don't understand." Toni looked at me concerned.

"There's nothing to be concerned about my love I will pick us up some snacks and I'll be home." I kissed Toni as I stood up.

I ran out the door and began to run towards the barn that my father had hung himself after everyone found out he had killed Jason. I began to become breathless as I ran thinking of who or what was waiting for me. I didn't have to think twice about going here. I know too well that the black hood is more than willing to kill Toni and if it was the black hood then I couldn't risk Toni's life. 

I had walked this way millions of times but it always freaked out in the dark. It was so creepy. Especially as a child when Jason and I would sneak out and night and run around until it got too cold for us. I could hear footsteps behind me and my heart began to race. I turned round and as I did I was hit across the face. My vision instantly went blurry as my eyes began to close and I fell to the ground.

I woke up in a dark room. I struggled to open my eyes or focus my sight. My head was throbbing. I tried to move but I was pushed back down and thats when I realised that I had no clothes on. I felt someones massive hands holding me down on my stomach. My heart began to race as I felt the weight of a body on top of me.

"What do you want?" I cried.

"Shhh." They said as they pushed my head down as my body was bent over some sort of object.

I could feel his sweaty naked body and it made me sick. I couldn't move, I was paralysed. I couldn't scream. I shouldn't be able to fight them off. I should be able to do something to stop them, but I couldn't. Their body weight was too much for me. I wanted Toni to come save me but she didn't know where I was or that I was even in any trouble. I could feel his hands on my body as I lay motionless . Tears slid down my face as my brain shut down and I just closed my eyes waiting for this nightmare to be over with. I could feel every movement and hear every breath. I wanted to die. Dying would have been easier than this. Is this some sort of pay back from the world because of all the nasty thing I had done in the past. This was my fault I shouldn't have gone out at this time with no one around without Toni, this was some sort of karma at work getting back at me.  I just wanted to be back in Toni's arms. I shouldn't have left without her I shouldn't have left the house. I wanted Toni. I wanted my love. I wanted to feel safe again.

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