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Toni's pov

We didn't stay much longer at the Coopers once Cheryl reappeared with Polly. Polly looked startled and like she had just been crying when she came down and Cheryl looked worried. After not even twenty minutes Polly decided that the twins would need their nap and everyone should go. Everyone left and Cheryl hung behind slightly whispering with Polly while everyone looked on confused as she left the house and Mr and Mrs Cooper sat in the livingroom looking on confused. I helped nana rose into Cheryl's car and waited for Cheryl to finish whatever she was doing.

"So did you enjoy seeing the twins?' I asked nana Rose.

"They look so much like Jason as a baby." She replied.

"Cheryl says the same thing everytime we see them." I smiled.

I watched as Cheryl finally left the Coppers house and made her way to the car.

Cheryl's pov

As soon as we got back to Thistlehouse I put my nana into her bed and went straight upstairs to my parents old bedroom. Toni followed right behind me. When I got into the wardrobe I began pulling out all of the drawers emptying them over the floor. Toni began to look through all of the shelves.

"Who's phone do you think it is?" She asked.

"I have no idea but we need to find out! What if its a lead to Jason." 

Toni nodded and continued pulling all of the shoes off of the shelves.

After nearly half an hour of pulling everything out there was still no sign of a cell phone. I sat on the floor in the middle of all of the mess Toni and I had created. Toni sat beside me wrapping her arms around me as I began to cry.

"Toni what is wrong with me?" I cried.

"What do you mean? You are perfect there is nothing wrong with you." Toni kissed my cheek.

"No there is. There must be, I've been sick two days in a row and when I'm not being sick I'm feeling sick." I threw my hands up. 

Toni was silent and I looked at her wondering why she hadn't spoken. She looked sad and I knew what she was thinking because it had crossed my mind at one point too but I refused to believe it was even a possibility.

"There is no way..." I started.

"I got a test just incase."


"The day after it happened. I skipped a class to go get one. I was hoping if I got one this weird world would work in its normal weird way and have it to not be needed just because I bought it." Toni explained. "I'll get it from my backpack and we can take it just now."

I nodded in agreement and Toni left to get the pregnancy test. I began to cry and couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. I heard vibrating coming from one of the piles on the floor and instantly stopped crying. I had to find that phone. I threw everything up in the air as I searched for the phone. I lifted one of the drawers and could feel it vibrating. I threw the drawer on to the ground as had a I could breaking it apart. There it was. The phone lay on the ground and I quickly picked it up off the ground. I didn't even look at the number on the screen I went straight to answer it, but as I did the vibrating stopped and I felt like screaming. I threw myself on to a pile of my mothers clothing. 

"Cheryl?" Toni sounded confused.

I lifted my arm showing her I found the phone.

"Thank god you found it." She laughed as she helped me up off the pile of clothes.

"I missed the call." 

"Theyll call back they seem to have called a lot lately, whoever it is." Toni picked up a wire from the floor. "I'm guessing this is how it still have battery life in it." 

"I don't want to wait for them to call back that might take days or they might just not call back at all." I complained. 

"They will but in the meantime I think we should deal with this." Toni held up a small box in her hand.

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