Shopping Spree

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Cheryl's pov

I woke up before Toni and went down stairs to make her breakfast. While I was making her tea kept getting flashbacks from that night. I could see it over and over again. Toni stopping, me following her gaze and then her collapsing. It felt like the world wanted me to be alone. Everyone else had been taken from me and I would do anything and everything in my power to make sure that Toni wouldn't be taken from me. I placed both of our teas on the tray along with toast, some eggs and fruit. I was half way up the stairs when I could hear Toni stirring.

"Cheryl." Her voice sounded scared.

I ran up the rest of the stairs to the bedroom.

"I'm here. Are you okay?" I burst into the bedroom.

Toni was drenched in sweat as she sat up in the bed. Her face changed from fear to happy the moment she seen me.

"You made breakfast." She acted like there was nothing wrong when I could tell there was.

I placed the tray on the bed and climbed on the bed beside her.

"Are you okay TT?" I asked again.

"I'm fine I just got a freight because you weren't there. I was worried." She smiled.

"I'll be back in two seconds." Toni climbed out of the bed and ran into the bathroom.

This had been the third morning she had woken up in a puddle of sweat and panicking about me. The first night had been the worst she had woken up three times screaming for me. I didn't know what to do to help but today I was going to take her out for a shopping spree to try cheer her up a little.

Toni's pov

Cheryl had been hoovering around me a lot since I got back from the hospital. It was sweet but suffocating at the same time. She even came to the bathroom with me. She wanted to go on a shopping spree so of course that meant I was going on a shopping spree too. This holiday to Paris gave her the perfect opportunity to buy new clothes.

"I need to go into the bank do you want to come with me or meet me after?" Cheryl asked.

"I'll come with you why do you need to go to the bank?" I asked.

"I'm going to set up an account for the twins and deposit $1 million of my inheritance for them."

"That's great idea." I smiled as I followed her into the bank. "Does Polly know you are going to do that?"

"Not yet I'm going to surprise her." Cheryl looked very pleased with herself as she walked up to the desk.

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