First Night Alone

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Toni's pov

Cheryl was still in shock from what had happened in the lawyers office. She had barely said a word. I was just glad that her mother couldn't take thistle house from her now since it belonged to Cheryl. I sat with her at thistle house while i waited for it to be time for me to start work. We had been sitting in silence for nearly half an hour before Cheryl finally broke the silence.

"Shopping spree as soon as the money comes." She smiled.

"Sounds good, you can model everything you get." 

"You will be coming of course." Cheryl took my hand and smiled. "Do you really need to go to work tonight?" She looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry I do I need the money." I kissed her gently. "In fact I should head now so I'm not late." I kissed her forehead as I got off of the bed.

As I was leaving the room  I looked back at her. "I love you." 

A massive smiled spread across her face. "I love you too."

Cheryl's pov

I tried to distract myself from the thought of being alone by thinking about what I would do with my inheritance. It didn't help, I missed Toni and just wanted her to be here. This house was so giant without her in it. I could barely manage it here alone when she was at work for six hours never mind a whole night. I rolled over in my bed to where Toni would always lie. It stilled smelled like her. I took a deep breath taking in her scent.

Toni's pov

I lay listening to the heavy rain beat of my roof. I couldn't help but worry about Cheryl as I lay trying to go to sleep it was get first night in thistle house alone. I had got so used to being with her every night that I was struggling to even relax enough to get any sleep. All I could think about was get lying alone in that big house with no one else around. I really wanted to go to her and be with her tonight. I missed having her in my arms while we fell asleep but I didn't want it to get too full on, since we had been practically living together since I rescued her. The trailer was so quiet. I was so grateful to Jug for helping me get my own.

There was a loud knock on my trailer door. I pulled my alarm clock around to see the time. 0106 who would be here at this time. I picked up one of Jugs small knives he had left here as I threw on my serpent jacket. I headed towards the door looking out the small window first but no one was there. I slowly opened my door and like outside the window no one was there. I took a step out to see a familiar figure soaking wet walking away from my trailer. I ran down the stairs towards them. Before I had even reached them they turned around.

"Cheryl what are you doing here?" I asked as I took my serpent jacket off and wrapping it around Cheryl.

Her hair was dripping with rain water and her pyjamas were see-through.

"I missed you. I don't want to be alone anymore." She shivered as I led her back to my trailer.

When we got inside I got her a towel and some of my pyjamas to change in to. I smiled as she walked out the bathroom with one of my shirts on. She looked so good in it. She climbed on to my bed next to me curling into a ball and resting her head on me.

"I missed you too. If you hadn't turned up I reckon five more minutes and I would have been outside thistle house." I confessed. "Lets just get some sleep now you have your meeting with your fathers lawyer tomorrow."

Cheryl relaxed in my arms as we fell asleep tangled around each other.

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