First I Love You

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Cheryls pov

The whole ride home I barely said a word to Toni and she knew there was something wrong I could tell. In reality there was nothing wrong exactly. Not with us but with this world. I had come to a realisation during that assembly and then one of the worst things that could happened did. I was excited to tell Toni something that now felt cursed. My life felt cursed. Every time something positive in my life was happening something or someone would come along and ruin it. Even when we got to thistle house I just went straight up stairs and took off my make up. Toni made us both some tea while I did so. I went downstairs and Toni was sitting in the living room waiting for me. She smiled at me as soon as I walked through the door.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes I'm fine." I lied as I sat down next to her.

"Cheryl I know something is bothering you. You've been quiet since we left pops and you were on a different planet the entire time we were at pops." She took my hand and looked straight into my eyes.

I dont know how she does it but every time I look into her eyes my guard comes down.

"It just reminded me of Jayjay." I looked down. "Seeing my father killing him and his lifeless body in the chair."

Toni pulled me in closer to her. She opened her legs and pulled me in between them hugging me tightly from behind.

"You don't speak about what happened." She kissed my hand. "Do you want to talk about it I promise I will just listen."

Toni's pov

Cheryl poured her heart out to me about everything with her father killing Jason. Hearing it all from her broke my heart and completely explained her reaction to todays events and why it would bring back these memories.

"I feel like this world is out to get me." Cheryl confessed.

"What do you mean? Everyone that has hurt you is gone."

"I was thinking about my happiness lately when Mr Lodge pulled that stupid golden rope."

I couldn't help but smile slightly. "Your happiness lately?" I encouraged her to tell me more.

"You." She paused. "Us." Shs bit her lip.

"I'm honoured to be bringing you happiness but Cheryl the world isnt out to get you. The world is just a horrible place sometimes and you deserve to be happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world." I gave her a gentle kiss.

When our kiss ended Cheryl stared into my eyes not saying anything before kissing me again. Her lips were so soft and tasted like her cherry lipbalm. She slowly pulled her face away from mine with a small smile.

"I love you." I could see by the look on Cheryl's face that it had just slipped out.

Her eyes were wide and her checks were beginning to turn red.

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