Race Against Time

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Cheryls pov

Jughead instantly began to pace. 

"How do you know its her that the black hood has?" He asked.

I handed him my phone with the photo of Toni tied up. He only glaced at it before handing it back to me.

"I don't know what to do I need to find her." I could feel tears building up in my eyes. "Look at the photo and tell me if there's anything you recognise." I handed my phone back to him.

He looked at me for a moment before looking at the photo more closely. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought I was going to have a heart attack as I watched Jughead staring at my phone screen. I began to fidget with my fingers as I stared at the clock hand ticking on to twenty to eleven. I had so many people in my life and Toni was the one person I refused to lose. I looked back at Jughead who's expression had changed as his eyes squinted at my phone.

"What is it?" I asked walking over to see what he seen.

"There." He pointed  to my phone screen. "That's the cabin near sweet water river on the south side."

I grabbed my jacket and looked back to see Jughead not moving.

"What do you plan on doing Cheryl? You can't exactly fight the black hood on your own." 

"Come with me then." 

"We can't go alone we wait on the rest of the serpents I've text them so they shouldn't be long." He waved his phone at me before sitting down on the couch.

"Fine, I'm just going to go to the bathroom then." I lied.

I looked behind me to make sure Jughead wasn't watching me as I slipped out the front door closing it quietly behind me. At first I wasn't sure how I was going to get there until I seen Jugheads motorbike sitting with the keys still in it. I took one last look behind me before climbing on. Just as I turned the key Jughead appeared at the front door.

"CHERYL STOP!" He shouted as I drove away.  

This time I didn't take my time or build up the speed I went as fast as I could manage. I wasn't going to waste any time, not with Toni in danger. It took me less than five minutes to reach the south side. I was probably lucky that there was no one around to slow me down. Once Jughead had told me where it was I knew exactly where it was and that I was going now to get Toni. I left Jugheads motorbike around the corner from the cabin. I took a deep breath before I headed towards the cabin. 

I have a secret choni sex chapter that I have wrote and havent uploaded. Anyone want me to upload it?

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