Sleepover With The Twins

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Toni's pov

Coming back to the news of Midge's funeral was heartbreaking and made it harder to be happy about mine and Cheryl's news. Juniper and Dagwood were giggling and talking in their own baby language to each other in the back of the car the entire journey back to Thistle house. I could tell that Cheryl was excited to have them tonight. I could see that having the twins around made her happy and to be honest I enjoyed having them around too. They were really the first babies I have ever been around. Cheryl pulled up to Thistle house and my harley was sitting just in front of the door were I left it. I still couldn't believe that Cheryl had got me this. Wait till the rest of the serpents heard about it, or at least the serpents that were still in Riverdale. I climbed out of the car and got Juniper out of her baby car seat thing - I had no idea what it was actually called but I was sure that was pretty close to it. Juniper yawned as I walked to the house with her.

"Please don't be tired, your auntie Cheryl will be sad if she doesn't actually get to spend much time with you." I whispered to her knowing she had no idea what I was saying.

"What?" Cheryl asked overhearing me whispering.

"Nothing I just think maybe we shouldn't have spent so much time at the Coopers." I nodded to Juniper yawning.

"I know it was just too exciting telling everyone our news and then we couldn't exactly leave after Jughead told us about Midge's funeral." Cheryl opened the door to thistle house  with her free hand as she spotted me looking at my harley again. "Do you want to go for a ride tomorrow after we drop off the twins?" She asked.

"Hell yeah! Do you want to go visit the serpents?" I suggested.

"Of course. Maybe Sweetpea and Fangs will be ready to come back with us."Cheryl could probably tell that I missed them."I know you miss them TeeTee, it's pretty obvious to me." It was like she could read my mind.

"We can tell them our good news." I smiled as I closed the door behind me.

Cheryl began to walk up the stairs with Dagwood. 

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Well I had something set up while we were in Paris and I doubt either of them will be able to keep their eyes open for much longer." Cheryl pointed to Juniper in my arms.

I hadn't even noticed that she had fallen asleep. I followed Cheryl upstairs and along the hall way to where her mother's room once was. 

"Where are we going?"  I asked.

Cheryl pushed open the doors to the room that was once her mothers. I followed her inside as she turned the light on. The room was now completely different. The massive king size bed was gone and there was now two cribs and two child size beds.

"Why the beds and cribs?" I asked.

"Because I have a feeling they are going to grow out of the cribs soon." Cheryl smiled as she lay down Juniper in one of the cribs. "What do you think?" 

"It looks amazing. Hopefully we can have them over more often." I lay down Juniper in the crib next to Dagwood. "Maybe one day it wont be Juniper and Dagwood we are putting in cribs." I began to stutter as I realised what I had just said.

I seen Cheryl smile slightly as she took my hand in hers.

"I think that maybe one day too." She kissed me gently. "Now that the twins are down maybe we should head to bed and have some alone time." I suggested winking.

"That sounds like a great idea." Cheryl smiled as she took my hand leading me up to our bedroom.

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