Chapter 26: Newspaper Boy (3/3)

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"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Violet's blood was racing, her heart pounding in her ears.

"Go for the throat!"

"I am counting on you!"

"End her!"

Everyone in the facility was now gathering around Annamae, who was currently being dragged by her hair by Sofia.

"Get up!" Greta yelled, leaning down and cupping her hands around her mouth, "You better win this!"

Annamae had got some good hits in, but overall she was taking more than she was giving. Her nose was pouring blood, while her lip was split and there was bruising already starting to form around her body.

"No hair pulling!" Annamae screeched, wrenching herself off the ground, only to be yanked back down onto the concrete by Sofia's firm grip.

"Puta" Sofia said, grinning as she paraded Annamae's body round like a rag doll.

"Pu... Oh you mother fu-" Annamae elbowed Sofia in the face, her surprise move made Sofia temporarily loosen her grasp on Annamae's hair, enough though, to the point where she was able to break free of the death grip. Annamae turned around and kicked Sofia in the face, her foot connecting with Sofia's jaw and dropping her. Annamae ran up, "Are you okay?" She asked, leaning down and looking worried.

Sofia glared at her, spitting blood in her face before attempting to get up. Annamae jumped on Sofia's back, slamming her back down onto the floor.

"That was very disrespectful." She said before leaping and slamming her foot into the back of Sofia's head; the sound of her skull smacking against the ground was unearthly. The crowd fell silent, some shocked whispers weaving in-between lips.

"And that is that on that!" Annamae said, smiling and flexing her small biceps, "That's what we call 'Southern Strength'" She said, grinning before walking back up to Ruth.

"Damn, Annamae. You are going to get yourself into some trouble with that one." Ruth grumbled, staring at Sofia's unconscious body. "Be careful".

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know! Don't worry, she instigated it so she will get what she deserves." Annamae laughed, grinning gleefully.

"That... That's not how any of this works." Ruth said

"She's right, you know" Alejandra walked up, nodding towards Ruth, "This isn't some movie — you're not in some book." She spat, walking menacingly forward, "There is no happy ending here." There was silence, and that was when Violet noticed Alejandra was staring at her.

"What?" She asked, staring back at the dangerous woman.

"There. Is. No. Happy. Ending. Here" She repeated, emphasizing every word, walking closer with each one. Violet looked down, pursing her lips and closing her eyes. Alejandra smelled of sweat and dirt.

"Pendeja!" Violet jumped, looking up at Alejandra, who as hovering over Sofia, "Watch out!"

Ruth pulled Violet over so the guards could get through the crowd to Sofia. Violet clutched Ruth's hand, watching with wide eyes.

"What happened here?" One of the guards barked, looking around the crowd; his eyes were hollow and full of rage, "Huh?!" He screamed

"Hey, ma'am, can you hear me?" A female guard asked, moving her head around and attempting to open her eyes. "Ma'am?" She looked up at her fellow worker, "We need to get her to the nurse."

"God damnit" He muttered, "Do you know how much paperwork is involved in that?"

"Really, Roger? You're worried about paper work?" He shrugged in response, still glaring around at the girls around him, "Help me get her. Grab her legs." The woman said as they pulled Sofia onto a stretcher and took her away.

"Sorry about that, Alejandra." Annamae said, pursing her lips and scrunching her face up.

Alejandra tongued the inside of her cheek, "She brought it on herself for picking on someone — you taught her a lesson. Good" She turned, grabbing Isabella and prowling down the bleak hall.

"That was crazy, girlie." Ruth grinned as Annamae laughed hugging Ruth and Greta, they grabbed Violet, bringing her with them as they began walking.

"Now, on to 'free time' — dear god it sounds like we are in middle school again!" Ruth said, laughing.

'Free time' — or 'prison in the sun' as Violet liked to call it — was a designated amount of time that they got everyday to go outside. Not outside, though, they actually got to go in a room where the ceiling is made of glass so the sun is able to shine through. Still cemented ground, and brick walls. Violet was pretty sure this was against regulation and that they actually had to be let outside, but then again she had no idea so there really wasn't anything she could do.

Violet was standing alone with her back against the wall, watching all the inmates — the fellow inmates — Violet reminded herself, mentally slamming her head against the bricks. She watched the fellow inmates, it was weird seeing so many different people all clumped together to make the definition of one thing; criminals. They were all so different, the fact everybody looked at them the same astounded her; Ruth and some of her friends were playing basketball, while Greta was screaming from the sidelines, Annamae was taking a jog around the court, some inmates were doing yoga next to a group of meditators, all soaking up the sun for the short amount they got to see it.

All different people, from different walks of life — here. Coexisting as societies handpicked human-shaped shit bags.

She took a deep breath, lifting her face and closing her eyes, soaking in the sun. Everything is going to be okay. She thought, feeling the warmth spiraling around her skin, coursing over her body. Don't worry, you'll make it out of this. 

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