Chapter 15: A Little Note (2/3)

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And I'm here forever and always,

Even after we're all gone

Our love will still live on

And you're my rock and redeemer

Even when I do you wrong

You stay with me, keep me strong

Oh, the light in your eyes

Just like a child- it draws me closer

And oh- the way you embrace things

I could not see

Shows me that I can love you if you let me 

Violet looked at Joe, who was grinning and clasped her hands with excitement.


"Go to the window!"

Violet started to get up, but got pulled to the window by Joe. Who then proceeded to open the window and push Violet towards it.

"Joe what is this all..." Violet's words seized the sides of her throat with claws.

"Violet!" Eric screamed, his voice almost drowned out by the storm.

He was standing there, getting soaked in the rain with roses in one hand while the radio was blasting from his truck.

"Please just listen."

She turned to Joe, who had the door open and was waiting for Violet to go out and meet him.

Joe smiled at her. "I'll go grab your jacket."

Violet walked past Joe, her mind swirling with questions.

Don't go.

Violet was halfway down the stairs, her hand lightly grabbing the railing to steady herself.

Don't go.

Violet had an uncomfortable knot in her stomach as she slipped her boots on, standing up and looking back at Joe, who handed Violet her jacket with an encouraging smile.

Stay inside. She doesn't know, tell her.

Violet put her jacket on slowly, hand on the doorknob, she was slightly shaking.

"I'm glad they are going to get back on good terms." Her mother whispered to Joe as Violet turned the doorknob and opened the door. "She has been so lonely."

Violet walked out into the pouring rain, shutting the door behind her.

Eric turned the truck off, shutting the door and walking up to Violet. "Hey.." He said, as he got closer Violet took a step back, curling in on herself. Eric took notice, slowing to a stop. "I ... I got you roses..." He held the bouquet out to Violet. She folded her arms, hugging herself while staring at him.

Eric pursed his lips, taking a deep breath, setting the flowers down and dropping his hands to his side. "I don't know why I.." He tongued the inside of his cheek, choosing his words carefully. "I don't know why I hurt you, you're not supposed to hurt people you love."

"No. You're not." Violet said, flashbacks started to invade her mind.

"And I know that...." Eric continued, pausing.

Violet looked back to see her mother and Joe peeking through the front curtains, hiding a little bit when Violet caught their gazes.

Eric continued, "I know that apologies don't 'magically fix' what I have done. I get that. But Violet, you need to realize that... I love you. I am in love with you. I am falling in love with your person and no matter how hard you try to keep me out, you won't be able to. I want to be in your life. I need to be in your life and I don't care how many tries it takes to make this work, because it is going to. It is going to take a lot of time and hard work, and I understand that. I get that it is going to be tough - but, damn will it be worth it. You are worth it, you are worth everything. Nothing memorable has ever been easy, Violet. And you, my love, are the most memorable thing in my life."

Violet stared at her shoes, taking in his words as rain punched the ground around them. Eric walked forward and pressed his palm up against her face, she flinched as he softly stroking her cheeks with his thumb.

"Are you ready to struggle with me?"

"Was that supposed to be romantic?!" Joe asked, her face squished up against the window.

"Say yes, Darling!" Margaret said to her, smiling and nodding with encouragement.

Violet gulped, looking up and staring into his eyes.

They say that eyes are the window to the soul - and Violet truly believed that. Eric's eyes held sorrow, and regret. They held memories, secrets, laughter, they held the moon and the sun.

Violet stepped forward, intertwining their fingers, her eyes never leaving his. "I'm ready to struggle." She whispered. 

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