Chapter 24: Mushrooms (2/3)

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"Next!" Violet walked up, "Stand on the 'x'" She said, an officer gave her a black sign, behind Violet was lines, her height — 5'7 — on the sign read:

                                                YORKSHIRE, UN POLICE DEPARTMENT

                                                             Violet Clarissa McNeal

                                                         - FIRST DEGREE MURDER -



"Please stare into the camera." She said dryly, Click! Violet jumped, blinking rapidly as colored dots invaded her vision. "ma'am, please don't close your eyes." She stated again, Violet nodded before the camera went off again. Click! "Please turn to the right." She slowly turned to the right, Click! "Now the left," She did as she was told, mulling in her mind what was going to happen next. "Next!"

Violet walked off to the left, walking up to one of the officers that brought her here, she followed the man, "Take everything out of your pockets." He stated, Violet complied, pulling out a charger, her phone, some spare change, as well as a few strands of lint, "Now, do you have anything on your person that can be used as a weapon?"


"Please put your arms straight out and spread your legs shoulder length apart."

Violet did as she was instructed, the man pawed her hair, patting the top of her head. He dragged his calloused hands over the tops of her arms, moving them around her hands and then along the underside of her arms. He brought them to her armpits, twisting to bring them slowly down the side of her torso.

She could feel his hands adjust to conform and match her body, his breath on the nape of her neck, "Get off..." She whispered as she felt the covers shift underneath her.

"Ma'am?" The security officer spoke to her, staring at her strangely.

"Get off!" Violet screamed, wrenching the officer's hands from her hips and turning around.

"Hey!" A security guard ran over, his voice low and booming, "Knock it off!"

"Get away from me!" Violet screamed, pushing back against his figure, "Eric stop!" Her body was slammed against the edge of the counter, dropping to the ground as a guards body landed on top of her, crushing her frame.

"Ma'am you need to calm down!" He barked as Violet's air was swiped from her lungs, her limbs still flailing wildly. The officer grabbed her wrists and held them against the cold tile, he looked around at everyone's faces; pure shock with tints of confusion masked their features. "Please give us some room." He said, getting off of Violet, he yanked her up by her arms, her eyes still wild, "Give us some room!" He screamed, the crowd of people jumped, stepping back.

"Are you okay?" He asked, catching Violet's attention, her breath was shallow, her eyes wild, darting around to look at everyone.

"You need to calm down." The officer who was patting her down stated, glaring at her, "It's just procedure." He tasted blood, touching his lip, "It's just procedure." He muttered, turning walking away.

"I'm so sorry..." Violet whispered, crisp tears were sliding down her rose-tinted cheeks, "I don't know what came over me..."

"Sh..." The woman at the desk cooed her, "We can have someone else do it for you. Here, come step off to the side." Violet nodded, shaking as she leaned against the counter, using one hand to steady herself while the other was on her chest.

"I'm sorry..." Violet wiped her eyes, blinking out the tears.

"It's okay..." The woman at the desk said, worried, she woman looked at the man questioningly.

"We'll take her to the holding cell." They put the handcuffs back on her tightly, walking her towards a metal door. They opened it, pushing her in, "There's a bench incase you get tired, and there's a toilet. You will be checked up on with fifteen minute intervals until we decide you're not a threat." They slammed the door closed, the sound somewhat echoing in the small room. Violet looked at the concrete bench jutting from the wall, sitting down before looking over to see the toilet; which turned out to be a grate on the floor in the corner. 

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