Chapter 2: Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

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He was completely drenched from the storm, his boots were disgusting from standing in the mud, the roses drowning in his hand.

"Please," he said, out of breath. "I know I have messed up in the past. I get it. I know that you must hate me with every fiber in your body, and that is completely understandable. But" He paused, his voice quivering. "I wake up everyday and I can't breathe, or move, or be without you right beside me. I need you. I can't imagine a life without you.

It doesn't exist.

And if it does, then it is not a life I want to be apart of. That isn't life to me. You are."-

"Miss McNeal. I did not accept you into this class so you could ignore me and get lost in books."

Violet glanced up to meet eyes with her English 1010 teacher, Mr. Crowley. He extended his hand, gesturing for her to hand over the book. Everyone's eyes were on her.

"Sorry" She said sheepishly.

"Now." He said, taking the book while turning around and walking back up to the whiteboard, "Taking out the verbs in a poem while still having it make sense is extremely difficult, but not impossible. I trust you can all astound me with your creativity."

"Why does he make our assignments SO hard?" Emily asked, sitting down at the marble cafeteria tables.

Violet stared at her, "Emily, this is a college level class. You realize that, right?"

She poked at her macaroni with a plastic fork. "Yeah, it's just unbelievably stupid."

"Maybe" Alex interjected and sat down on the other side of Emily, her short brown hair spiked up neatly. "You should quit whining about it and just drop out. Come take art with me! It'll be fun — you can be my naked model." Emily laughed as Alex winked at her.

Joe threw her arm around Violet, kissing her on the cheek. "Sup Chica-mo-mica?" Jason sat on the other side of Joe, pulling her against him.

"Are you trying to steal my girl, McNeal?" Jason asked, smiling at Violet.

"As if" Violet scoffed, grinning, "besides. I think Alex already got to her." Alex whistled at Joe, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Hey! Violet!" She looked up to see Eric waving his arms, beckoning her over there with the football team.

"Prince Charming awaits." Emily said sarcastically, turning back to Violet. "Don't go so heavy on the makeup, he likes it more 'natural'. As if boys know what that even is. See you in third period."

"Emily-" She got up, grabbing her tray and throwing it into the trashcan while sauntering away.

"It's okay." Joe said, "she just needs to get over it."

"Yeah." Alex said, taking another bite of her pizza. "It's not your fault he thought you were better."

Violet looked up to see Eric standing there, smile beaming. "I am sorry to tear you away from your friends." He kissed her on the cheek, "but not really, because I missed you."

Joe made a small "awww" sound and turned to kiss Jason while Alex made a gagging noise and stuck her tongue out.

Alex grinned at all of us. "Go. Go you Love Birds." She threw her hand up against her forehead, dramatically draping herself across the lunch table - knocking over trays full of food in the process. "Go be together and leave me here to die alone."

Everyone laughed, "come on." Violet said while Jason nudged Alex.

Alex grabbed Violet's hand as she crossed to go with Eric, "Please." She whispered hoarsely, "don't forget me." She ended her theatrical performance by closing her eyes and sticking her tongue out.

Joe and Jason clapped, followed by a series of "bravo's" and "encore, encore!" coming from them.

Eric laughed, pulling Violet down onto his lap. He kissed her, "your friend is quite the performer." He said, looking over at Alex.

"Makes sense." Violet said, "She IS an artist."

Eric stared at her, smiling.

"What?" Violet asked, giving him a strange look.

He shrugged. "I love you." He said, intertwining their fingers.

Violet smiled, "I love you, too."

A boy with brunette hair and caramel skin cleared his throat across from them - Violet briefly has trouble remembering his name, Donovan. "There's an empty janitor's closet around the corner. "

"Can I come with?" A black haired boy asked, grinning.

Everyone laughed, "Come on, dude." Eric kicked him under the table. "That's disgusting. "

"Brian. You're gross." Violet laughed and shook her head.

Brian puckered his lips at Violet, Eric just pulled her closer to him.  

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